'When we get back home, we can have another if you'd like. We can get you a dress specifically made and relive it in the gardens. I'm sure my father would love to watch and I bet it wouldn't feel as though you were running away.' I teased, but understood. In reality, this was running away for her. She was finally able to leave and it would be through me.

Despite my confidence about bringing her home, my mind did wander to the realization that I wasn't the best with women. Rosetta and I were fine now, which was wonderful, but we didn't truly know each other yet. Everything could change once we were in Transylvania. I would be the only person she knew and the person that would need to make sure everything was taken care of for her. I had no doubts that I could do it, though how I did it was more of a concern. The last thing I wanted to do was upset her.

I wanted to be able to protect her and keep her comforted at all times. I wanted to promise her the world and everything she had ever dreamed of. But, could I?

What of Invea? I knew I could protect her from Henry as he was weak, but what about when we got home and bigger threats rose? Would I be able to keep her safe and offer her the confident comfort she needed? Would I be able to handle it? Father had trained me in sword combat as well as hand combat, but would that be enough? What kind of threats would we even face?

I silently prayed that I would be able to do the duties of a husband soon without too much thinking. All that mattered was that I was falling into love with Rosetta and I was taking her out of an abusive situation. Once she was out, then I could focus more on how I was feeling.

Once we were at the stairs, I could hear Franklin's voice echoing through the walls. He stood at the base of the stairs with his arms folded behind his back, keeping Henry in front of him. 'Your majesty, I assure you that Vladimir is coming now with the princess as we speak. They are coming for their wedding.' Franklin stood tall, blocking the bottom of stairs from Henry. I felt a sudden rush of relief that Franklin had come along rather than anyone else. He was a loyal man, one who would stand his ground even if it meant he would fall into danger.

The king's eyes darted up to mine as we rounded the corner. I briefly stopped with Rosetta, placing my hand over hers that was still tucked in my arm. I didn't want her to be afraid. Henry would always be someone I could protect her from, or so I thought then.

Rosetta's hand tightened on mine, but she kept her chin up. She wasn't cowering any longer.

'Feeling better are we, dear Rosetta?' Henry's eyes reverted to their kind disguise he had shown me earlier. His posture adjusted until his shoulders were relaxed, his smile looking disgustingly comforting. 'When we spoke earlier, you had mentioned you were feeling ill. I told everyone to leave and that the wedding was canceled. Caelum was confused, saying that when he checked on you that you hadn't mentioned feeling sick and planned on coming down.' His tongue pressed against the inside of his bottom lip, catching my eye. Henry really didn't want me to marry his daughter. I took pride in that.

I gave a reassuring squeeze to her hand as I led us down the stairs. I knew all that Henry said was a lie and while I wanted to call him on his bluff, I also wanted to get Rosetta out as safely and quickly as possible. If that meant getting Henry to back off and believe I would treat her as he did, then so be it. 'I know of her illness. She tried to refuse, but we are to be married. I do feel sorry for her, but she may rest when the wedding is over. It's a long trip home. I don't have the time to sit around and wait for her to feel better.' I was feeding him the words that he was telling me, spitting lies back at him. 'My father is a busy man and needs my help back home as soon as this is over.'

If Rosetta, truly, had been ill I would have called it off. I wasn't so awful that I would force someone to take part in such an event if they weren't feeling their best.

Wife of Vladimir ||Book One||Where stories live. Discover now