Chapter4- Deducing the Warehouse

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This is a pretty short chapter but I'm on holiday so I don't have much time to write. Sorry! Enjoy...

Sherlock's P.O.V

"GET OUT" I yelled at Anderson.
God that morning had been stressful...
Sneaking out to the warehouse to continue on that damned case was harder than I had thought. Luckily that girl was still asleep but John, that was a different matter. It took me fifteen minutes to pry myself away from the lecture he was giving me about manners and all that crap...

Then when I finally got to the warehouse I was greeted by Anderson's forensics team cluttering up the place. He rose from his position on the floor to 'greet' me properly.

"Ah. Mr. Holmes!" He smirked sarcastically.
"As you can see, we still haven't finished. So why don't go go back to microwaving eyeballs or something and come back later."
"Well I would but I have a girl in my apartment and I want to get her out as soon as possible. So if you would excuse me..." I said whilst trying to push and past.
"Ah ah ah. Now where do you think you're going? We are conducting an investigation here, and you won't be getting your turn until we have had ours. So back off."
"Just give me an hour or so," I spoke through gritted teeth, "Then you can search this place high and low."
"Anderson do as he says." pleaded Lestrade.
"This is ridiculous..."
"That's an order!"
With a humph Anderson turned around to face the rest of his team. "Guys pack up we'll come back later. The freak's here."

I brushed off his harsh works with a wave of my hand, keeping my face blank.
I had just about mastered the no emotions thing and everyone seemed to believe it. Well... Everyone apart from John... I didn't understand how he saw through me. It was as if, to him, my emotions her hiding behind a sheet of glass. Not even the woman could understand me that well...


I set about looking around the warehouse. Whipping my magnifying glass out every now and again to get a closer look at something, but nothing gave me any clues. I was lay on the floor examining something when I suddenly had an idea.

"Lestrade, lights."
"Lights, turn the lights off."
"Oh... Right."

The detective inspector started walking slowly towards the switch on the wall. "Any time today Jeff would be nice..."
The D.I muttered something under his breath before arriving at the switch and a loud click resonating throughout the warehouse.

The room fell into darkness. I made my way to exactly where the girl awoke.

She would have been scared.

I removed my coat and flung it to the side. I crouched down and then lay, my head inside the marked area on the floor.

She didn't know where she was. So what would have been the first thing she did. Panic. She would have opened her eyes to darkness. Her eyes darting around for any sign of light...

I raised my head from the floor and looked from side to side.


One green light at the end of the warehouse shone brightly. I stood up, my gaze locked on the small speck of light. I walked for longer than I expected and when I arrived at the light it was just as I had deduced. A fire exit.

"Lestrade, turn the lights on." I commanded, probably more forcefully than needed.
The bright outburst blinded me for a slew seconds. When my eyes came round I stood and stared at the large metal door in front of me.
"What's through here?" I asked no-one in particular.
"We couldn't get it open by hand. Do you want me to get my guys on it?" replied Lestrade.
"We know it doesn't lead anywhere. There is no back exit."
"Just get it open." I retorted.

I walked over to where I left my coat and swung it over my shoulders. Only one thought running through my head.

A fire exit, where you can't exit...

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