Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

I yelled at James and he shouted back. After several minutes of arguing I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed my stuff and threw the back door open. I decided that I couldn't work while James in the house, so I went to my favourite place in our backyard. In the backyard we have a gazebo and a table and chairs. It's sheltered so I wouldn't get wet since it was absolutely pouring outside. I ran to the gazebo and started on my homework. Thunder rumbled and the rain continued.

After a while James followed me outside, whether to continue the argument or not, I had no idea. Either way I didn't want to hear it. Lightning flashed overhead as I got up and walked away from him, not caring that I was getting wet. He followed me as I circled the pool to get away from him. He hurried after me and grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further. I whirled around with my fist clenched. He saw my fist coming and quickly let go of my arm and backed off a little.

"Did you think you could get away with it? Huh, did you think you wouldn't get caught? I thought you were the smart one," he sneered at me.

"I don't understand why you're making such a big deal out of this. It's not like you haven't done the exact same thing to people!" I yelled furiously at him.

We were standing in the middle of the rain screaming at each other.

"You always make such a big deal out of things and then you think just because you are a single minute older than me that you can push me around that you can make me do what you want! But I won't let you! What you're doing is just as bad as what I did!" I continued to scream.

A big flash of lightning flashed above us. I jumped, flinched and took a step back all at the one time, not realising how close I was to the pool. My feet slipped on the wet ground and I lost my balance.I fell backwards into the pool. It felt like I was falling in slow motion; like I was falling for years when in reality it was only for a second or two.

As soon as James realised that I was going to fall into the pool his hand shot out to try and save me from falling. His right hand caught my right hand, but he didn't save me from falling. He fell in too. We crashed into the pool together with a massive splash and sunk to the bottom.

I was dazed and looked up from the bottom of the pool still hanging on to James' hand when I saw a bright white blue light heading straight for the pool. I slowly turned towards James and he mouthed a word to me which I couldn't make out through all the bubbles in the water. I tried to push up from the bottom of the pool but the water was so numbingly cold that I was unable to move. The bright light hit the water's surface and the water lit up, but the light continued straight towards us.

I finally understood the word James mouthed to me. Lightning!

It was too late to move or pull away and the blue bolt struck our joined hands. My whole body felt like it was buzzing as the light wrapped around our hands and wound its way up our arms. The brightness of the light increased and James panicked. He tried to pull his hand away but couldn't. I could move either and I was running out of air.

Bubbles were streaming from my mouth and James'. The brightness of the light continued to increased and pain flared from my right hand. The pain coursed its way through my body. I was starting to see black spots and I desperately needed to take a breath.

Suddenly the light exploded outwards and we were both sent flying through the water to opposite directions of the pool. I hit the wall of the pool hard. My head took the worst of the hit and my world immediately went black.

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