Author's Note

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Hi :-)

This is the first time I've ever posted anything on Wattpad and although I'm probably going to look back on this and cringe, I'm excited nonetheless. I hope you all get something out of this story, which includes a crazy amount of drama, action, romance and a whooole lot of Harry Styles (you're welcome). All on a little red bus.

Feel free to hit that little star and comment along as you read, I'd love to hear what you think; good, bad, votes or constructive criticism, it'd mean the world to me and goes a long way to curing writer's block. On a final note, I'm forever looking for things to read, so don't be a ghost reader! Let me know if you'd like me to check out a story, or just leave some breadcrumbs so I can find my way back to your profile and read what you've written. I probably will.    

Even if you only take a quick glance, thanks so much for looking and I love you for it!

- Freya xx

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