"I'm sorry.. It's just she annoys me soooo much. Vernon too! Why does he want to hang with us all of the sudden. Think about it, doesn't it seem odd." 

Everyone thought about it for a second. 

"That's true.. I mean, looking how they acted today for them to apologize that fast isn't particularly normal." Jun said. 

"But whatever. If you guys wanna go then go. Cause I'm not trying to fall down any cliffs." Emily said crossing her arms. 

"I'm going.." you said. 

"Wow.. you've gone crazy." Emily replied in disbelief. 

"I know it seems weird but I'm curious to what their intentions are." you admit. 

"I'll go with you." Joshua offered. 

"You don't have to." 

"I'm going with you." 

"If they're going we should all go.." The8 said. 

"Yeah. I'm actually wondering what they're really up to." Hoshi admits. 

Everyone nods in unison, and decided they were going to go with you and Joshua.

"How about it Emily?" Mingyu asked. 

Emily rolled her eyes. "Fine. I guess we couldn't let them go alone. What if they kill Joshua or (y/n). At least we'd be there to call the cops." 

"Okay, I'll call Vernon and tell him then." Jeonghan said. 

*Phone rings*

"Did you guys decide on an answer?" Vernon asked on the other line.

"Yeah. We're all gonna go." 
"Great! I'll text you the address to where we should meet up to hike." Vernon said brightly. 

"See you tomorrow." Jeonghan said hanging up the phone. 

It was getting late so everyone decided to leave. Leaving only you and Joshua left. 

"I'm going home. It's getting late." you say. 

"I'll drive you home." Joshua says.

"It's okay. I'll bus or walk." 

"You're my girlfriend now. I can't just let you walk alone at night."

"Taekwondo. Remember?" you said pretending to punch and kick something. 

Joshua pinched both of your cheeks like a baby. "Ugh, you're so cute."
"So are youuuuu." you said grabbing on to his cheeks. 
You guys were dying of laughter from how stupid you both looked. 

"Hm.. How about you just sleep here tonight?" Joshua suggested.

"Yah. Pervert. You changed my clothes today without me knowing and now you want me to sleep with you?" 

"First of all missy. There wasn't anything to look at, and second, why can't a man sleep with his girlfriend?" 

"Ommo, how shameless." you say surprised. 

"What? We're just gonna sleep in one bed. No kissing or touching. Just cuddling." he said. "Unless.."Joshua said raising an eyebrow.

"Just take me home." you say.

"No." Joshua said crossing his arms and making the puppy dog face. 

"Fine, but I don't have my pj's." you say.  

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