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Snippet of the story:

"Mommy look at my drawing!"
She came running, almost sprinting into her mother's arms. Her rosy cheeks, her bright blue eyes and her gorgeous smile was enough to earn her mother's heart

She smiled at her daughter and picked her up onto the stool. As she giggled, she raised the paper to her mother's face and repeated "Mommy look at my drawing, it's a picture of you, daddy and Joshua!"

Her mother smiled but was confused "this is beautiful but sweetheart who is Joshua?"

"My little brother" she said happily. She had no little brother, she was an only child.

Her mother laughed and said "Elyza darling you don't have a little brother"

"Yes I will" the five year old said "I had a dream that I came home from school and there was a baby wrapped in a white blanket and you and daddy told me it was my new baby brother"

Her mother listened to her daughter speak and could not find any words to respond to what she had just said "I also had a dream you would cut yourself and that's why I hid all the knives because I didn't want you hurt but you found them and now you have to wear a bandage" Elyza pouted and stroked the bandage on her mother's arm.

"You can see tragedies or events before they can happen?" She whispered.

Elyza giggled and jumped off the stood, without a word she ran off to the living room to continue her drawings. When her mother decide to pick up the drawing and stare at the little boy hand in hand with her own she thought she might actually have a second child. If Elyza's gift was true she will have another baby, but something else caught her eye. Something made the gold in her eyes turn darker and her lips purse.

She shut the kitchen door slightly and picked up the phone, she hoped he would pick up; she prayed he would.

"Hello beautiful" said he voice on the other side. Even when she was panicking he could still make a smile spread across her lips.

"Elyza has the ability to see events before they happen. She told me she knew I would cut myself yesterday and she hid all the knives"

He laughed "And here am I thinking our child won't have any powers. I'm glad she does"

"And she told me she's going to have a baby brother" she said.

"Well...she might" he said in a smug tone. She didn't need to see him to know he was smirking.

"But that's not the reason why I called you"

"Rose what's the matter?" He asked shakily.

She sucked in a deep breath and thought of a way to explain what she had found without sounding completely insane "She's been drawing symbols on her pictures, now that I think about it; on every picture she had drawn in the corner of the paper is a half circle with a line beside it"

Caleb's jaw clenched and his blood boiled. He wanted to know who even dated to corrupt his precious daughters head, who even though it was okay to teach her such violence. Who dared tamper with his family "Wipe her"

"W-what?" She gripped the phone tightly.

"Wipe her memory" he said again.

"Caleb she won't remember the past five years of her life if I wipe her"

"No don't wipe every memory. Just wipe it enough that she won't remember what the symbol is. When she goes to bed do it then, she'll wake up normally but just won't know what the symbol is"

She released a deep breath "Okay"

"It's the only way to keep her safe; we have to keep her safe"


Welcome back guys!
This is a completely different plot to Demetre and die for me although there will be a few minor things that will be continued in Elyza but over all this story is about Elyza and the things she has to face.

The symbol Rose found on Elyza's drawing looks like C| that

I hope you enjoy reading the final book in the series! Xxx

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