Chapter 47 - Partners In Crime

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"Call my wife a bïtch again, Emily and I swear to God," I barked as she smirked at me.

"Wife? She's not your wife, brother dear, and she never will be your wife," she spoke confidently as she slammed a bunch of photographs onto the dining table. "Take a look at those and tell me you're really going to marry her."

Scarlett and I picked up the photographs as I scanned the one in my hand.

It was a photograph of Scarlett, her back turned from the camera as she lay in bed with another man I recognized as the CEO of a rival company.

I turned to face Scarlett after a few moments as she held a very worried expression.

"It was only that one time, Jasper," she whispered meekly as I gathered the photos up.

"Scarlett," my mother breathed in disbelief while my father looked very taken aback.

"I told you, Jasper," Emily gloated triumphantly. "Bïtch, would you like to excuse yourself from our home?"

"Of course, Emily," Scarlett replied sadly as I bit back a laugh. "If you could do me one favor though?"

"What?" Emily snapped angrily.

"Can I take the number of the guy who edited these photos for you? His Photoshop skills are an absolute joke."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"She's talking about the date and time on the photographs, you stupid woman," I chuckled menacingly as I pointed towards the mistake, remembering full well what Scarlett and I had gotten up to that very long night.

"The lengths you would go to just to ruin my relationship with your brother is astonishing," Scarlett told her. "It's just plain wrong. Why can't you be happy for him?"

"Emily, I think you need to leave," my dad spoke up, anger in his tone. "And you need to get rid of this ridiculous grudge you have with Jasper and Scarlett before even thinking about stepping foot in my house again."

Flaring her nose, she stood up and fled the house leaving the rest of us sitting in silence before my mom spoke.

"You two knew all along, didn't you?"

"Yep," Scarlett and I replied at the same time as we high fived each other.

"Lord knows what's gotten into that girl lately," Mom muttered as she smiled softly at Scarlett. "I am sorry for her behavior, dear."

"It's fine, Estelle, really," Scarlett replied as I grabbed her hand.

"We really need to get going, it's late," I said as we stood up.

"Thank you for dinner," Scarlett smiled at my mom and dad.

"It was our pleasure, dear," mom replied. "I'll see you next week for the meeting with the wedding planner."

"Of course, I can't wait!" She squealed as I laughed at her excitement before leading her out to the car.

"Well, that was interesting," I murmured as I drove us home.

"Your sister really doesn't like me, does she?" Scarlett laughed. "But, I don't get it, she was fine with me beforehand."

"She's just a bitter bïtch, babe, she won't be giving us any grief anymore," I told her seriously.

"You called me your wife when you were yelling at her," she commented, a small smile playing across her lips.

"That's because I already see you as my wife," I replied easily as I parked up outside our place. "But right now I want to see you naked."

"Is that a question, Mr Queen?" She murmured quietly.

"It's an order."

I slung her body over my shoulders as I opened the porch door and let myself in.

"Neanderthal! Pick me up properly!" She hissed angrily as I carried her up the stairs before placing her on the bed.

I hovered above her body as I pinned her wrists above her head before kissing her neck slowly. She arched her body upwards, letting out a quiet moan as I quickly undid my shirt buttons, throwing the shirt to the floor before doing the same with Scarlett's dress.

"I wanted to fück you right on the table," I growled as I unclasped her bra.

"That would have been a little inappropriate, don't you think?" She questioned me breathlessly as she kicked off her lace underwear.

I crashed my lips to hers before moving towards her breasts and down to her bellybutton, tracing my fingers across the beautiful scars across her stomach as she shivered beneath my touch.

"Can't marry me, huh?" I growled as I flipped her over, spanking her ass roughly as she gasped.

"I'm... Sorry," she giggled slightly breathlessly as I pressed myself against her ass, pulling her thick blonde hair back as she moaned very loudly.

"Oh, you will be."



Aloha mi bitchachos!

I know some of you guys wanted some steamy ass sex but writing sex scenes is SO not my forte but I bet one or two of you could help me with that! Any of you frisky freaks can send me a private message if you'd like to write one, it can be in either POV - best one gets used in one of the following chapters!

I've also had quite a few PMs regarding banners and covers for the story, I'd love for you guys to send your covers and banners! Again, you can send me a private message and we can take it from there!

Anyhoo, how did you guys enjoy this chapter? His family actually have zero filter, and Emily! I know some of you guys are like wtf happened to her, but, people do change, and I just decided I wanted her to change.

I always hated her anyway :)

Soo, the next update should be either by tomorrow or Monday!

Have a fantabulous weekend!

Love as always,


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