You want to be Quidditch players?

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Dear Jack

What is this whole evidence thing about?

Jenn xx

I don’t want to get anyone in trouble. What is the French involvement with the FFM anyway… well I suppose I’ll find out on Saturday… but what if what I say gets someone in trouble?

“Jenn?” Rose called tentatively “you okay?”

“no” I replied, I heard a muttered Alohomora and the click of an unlocking door.

“Jenn what’s up is it the whole ministry thing?”

“I don’t want to get any one in trouble”

“Jenn its against the FFM the only people you are going to get into trouble are the ones who deserve to be in it”

“and its not just that it’s the whole Scorpius thing, he hates me Rose” I looked at her and she gave me a look of pity “don’t give me that look”

“I’m not!” She said defensively “look you just need something to get your mind off of it all of a bit, you know a distraction”

“have an idea! Get me Albus”

“Albus in going to be your distraction?” she asked giving me a horrified look

“No! but his new team is


“Go on then” I coaxed Albus in front of the large group of hopefuls all clutching brooms.

“I cant you do it” he whimpered

“Albus your gunna have to be able to speak in front of your team” I said

“If I do it will you go to Hogsmead with me?” he looked hopeful

“No, but she might” I said pointing to a pretty fourth year who was smiling at him

“Do you think so?”

“I know so”… how the hell am I going to get her to go to Hogsmead with him he’s pathetic… hang on… he’s Harry Potter’s son this will be easy… I pushed Albus in front of everyone

“Right um hello everyone, so we are doing Quidditch trails early because next year I will be the only team member left and therefore captain by default” Albus got more confident as he spoke “so we are going to do some drill and the whole teams is going to help me pick out next years team. If you get picked you will joining in with our training sessions and will be used as a substitute should one of the first team get injured. The Captain, Jenn, will now run through a few things with you” he looked back at me and I grinned at him.

“Right you lot” I called commanding the groups attention “I am the Captain of this team but Albus is your Captain what he, or I, say goes. I don’t want to hear any back chat or moaning. I’m going to split you into groups and assign you to the team members who will do some basic drills with you” I looked at them all “If you leader asks you to leave, then please do so with out kicking up a fuss because I’m really not in the mood and I will use force” A few people laughed nervously but stopped when they saw my face “okay now line up” They got into a line quickly a big burly boy stood at the front he winked at me.

“Name?” I asked

“McLaggen” he said confidently “Keeper”

“I don’t care what position you want we are testing your flying first” I said ticking his name off the list “and you better fly better then to talk, you can go with Rose”  He looked over at the redhead who was batting her hand with her bat … it does look quite menacing rather you then me mate…

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 13, 2011 ⏰

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