He lunged and immediately clawed my face. I growled angrily and bit his ear. He howled, and forcibly shoved me away. I wasted no time in biting his neck, which he quickly retaliated by clawing my stomach.

I felt blood soaking my fur, but I ignored it. I refused to release my hold on his neck, even as he clawed my paws and back. I eventually released him when the pain became unbearable. His blood dripped from my mouth.

When I took in his beaten appearance, I felt satisfaction and would have smirked if I could. He was bleeding heavily and was whining loudly. I lunged but he countered by shoving me against a tree. I immediately got back on my paws and attacked again. He was getting tired, which is exactly what I wanted. When he least expected, I lunged towards his neck with a lot of force. I snapped his neck, and he dropped.

I panted and winced when I felt my injuries. I turned to Mason who was bruised and battered in his human form. I could assume he had just finished his kill. I was proven correct when I saw a dead man at his feet. Mason turned to me and silently assessed my injuries.

I turned away looking for the third rogue. I found the last rogue dead at Roger's feet; he is my fourth in command. I slowly shifted back and smiled when Mason was already standing in front of me with my shirt, which I had discarded earlier.

"They were strong," I commented. Mason did not answer, so I turned to look at him. He was staring into the distance with a look of complete concentration. "What's wrong?"

"Roger said there were four wolves, so where's the last one?"

"He fled," I said as I followed his line of sight. Mason turned to look at me again and sighed in annoyance. "They were sent here to assess our strength. The fourth wolf was probably watching the whole thing and is now on his way to report back to Tyler."

"Do you want me to tell Richard about the attacks?" Roger asked as he made his way to us. I nodded dismissing him, but he didn't move.

"Is there more?" I asked running a hand down my sweat and blood soaked hair.

"Jade...those rogues gravely injured three pack members. I don't know if they'll make it." I stiffened as Mason cursed under his breath.

Roger took a deep breath; apparently gathering his nerves, and asked me a serious question that I have been dreading to hear these past weeks.

"The men and I were wondering...will there be another war?" I sighed as I turned to the rest of my pack members. They were all staring at me expectantly.

"We will discuss this some other time," Mason answered for me. "We need to make sure that our pack members are safe." I nodded and that's when I decided to interfere.

"There is another rogue out there. Make sure he is nowhere near the pack, and if you find him...kill him." As soon as I finished speaking everyone, except for Mason and I, shifted and began tracking the last rogue.


"Are you alright?" Mason asked as we went back to the pack house. I nodded dismissively. I felt him grab my arm, and then he gently tugged on it. I stopped walking and turned to face him. "War is inevitable, you know that."

"Do you want war right now Mason? It hasn't even been a year since our last one," I reminded him feeling a bit frustrated. I knew he was right, but I just didn't want another war.

Not right now, when we were barely overcoming the loss of the previous one. What will I tell my pack?

"Open your eyes Jade, war is already on our doorstep whether we want it or not," I looked into his captivating brown eyes and sighed. Mason wrapped his muscular arms around me, not caring that I was staining his chest with blood. "We will fight them."

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