That Night at Hotel Odéon

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I finished my drink and left the pub as quick I could. I did not want to have even a single glance of his to befall on me.He was in my head still but I ignored him as hard I could. I had his taste still in my mouth and my nerves were cold. I haven't been kissed before this way.

I took a taxi to L'Hôtel Odéon. It wasn't that hard for me to find one. The cab passed the streets of beautiful Paris swaying me along at a few rough turns that it took on road. I was calm outside but inside me there were a billion thoughts hurling in heart. I would blush in his thoughts for a moment the other moment it shook me like the first time.

"Nous sommes là Mademoiselle!" The cabbie woke me from my world of thousand imaginations. They are hard to explain. I had goosebumps and a hard feel in my stomach. I paid his due and made haste to the  hotel.

"Touches de numéro de chambre 203 s'il vous plaît!" I asked for keys at reception and hurried to my room. I had a sigh of relief and threw myself on the bed. For an hour I didn't move it felt like his hangover. His fragrance got carried away with me, all seemed like magic, a black magic. I felt a strange feeling down there. My hands crept down and my breath was on a high!  There was a sudden craving for him in me. Suddenly those moments of his closeness flashed in my senses and I immediately got up gasping and trying hard to control myself.

I went into the bathroom, washed myself and changed. Next, I hurried into my bed trying hard to sleep and yes, I found it really hard to dose off that night! I kept staring the ceiling and don't know when exactly did I.




A note to my readers..

<This is something new that I am trying my hands on... Please help me get encouraged to write more and better.... you can do this by putting in your comment , and giving your precious votes Thank You A ton in Advance! love Ya People to the core.... > Lots of Love : Eena A.

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