Chapter Thirty-Three: Milk, Cookies, & A Lonely Christmas

Start from the beginning

Moving my legs, I attempted to stand up, spinning the stool to the side. What was difficult about the simple action was the pins and needles. The stupid things decided to spread through both feet and my right leg. Placing my weight on my legs as I stoop up, I felt uncomfortable but proceeded anyway. I needed my blood to rush back down.

Was it weird that I got pins and needles quite often? I thought maybe there was something wrong with my blood flow.

Anyway, pushing myself forward, I rinsed my plate and glass, placing them on the dish rack. Picking up the hand towel hanging from the side of the bench, I rubbed my hands against the cloth to dry them. I hated feeling anything wet on my hands, it seriously grossed me out.

I threw the hand towel on to the counter as I sighed and started my way upstairs. I should probably get some sleep at least, it was already almost midnight, by the time I got myself ready and into bed, it would have already been Christmas.

I better hurry then, I thought as I moved my feet faster against the wooden stairs. Coming to a stop in front of my bedroom I had a though rush through my head; Would I hear from Cameron on Christmas?

Did I want to hear from him?

Dismissing my own questions, I entered my bathroom with a singlet and pair of sweat pants in my hands. After I had finished changing, I brushed my hair and threw - not literally - it into a bun. Then, I was off to slip under the soft blankets. I laid there, alone.

Yes, I did want to hear from him, I admitted. I missed him. I missed him a hell of a lot. I needed to stop thinking about him. It seemed to be all I have done since the call.

Trying to shut off my mind, I rolled onto my side facing the door, the smell of washing powder lingering on my sheets. Lavender had always been a therapeutic fragrance for me to endure. Calming my nerves.

I felt my eye lids fall shut and I pulled my blankets right up to my chin in an attempt to get warmer considering it was quite a chilly night. Just before I was able to finally fall into the abyss of sleep, I heard the sound of my phone vibrating on the bedside table. Jesus, who texting me at - I checked my alarm clock that was too on the bedside table - 12:08am.

Groaning out loud, I removed my hand from the warmth of my bed and over to my phone to retrieve the damned thing.

1 New Text Message

All hell was about to break loose if it was Lea on the other side of the text. That would make me so pissed off because I was just about to go to sleep.

I tapped onto my messages icon which led me straight to the new text and my eyes widened instantly.

From: Cam :) x

Hey Lay Lay, I know we're not exactly on speaking terms right now but I thought I would text you to say; Merry Christmas hermosa chica :) I hope you have an awesome day! I wish I could see you but I know I can't. You probably don't want to see me and I am so sorry. For everything. Anyway, this was long, sorry. See you on Friday (Well, tomorrow) x Te amo...

No matter how much I had wished to hear from him on Christmas, I wasn't actually expecting it. I just had hope that he would think of me on the day that we had spent so many occasions celebrating together.

What was more surprising than hearing from him today was the fact that he was awake at this time and waited until after midnight to text me. When it was officially Christmas Day. Also, he told me he loved me. Again.

Now I had a dilemma; Was I supposed to respond? Did I want to?

Yes to both. If he had the courage and thought to text me then I should at least repay him with a reply. To wish him a 'Merry Christmas' too. After all, if I didn't then I may have came off rude and ungrateful. When in reality, I was extremely happy that he had thought of me.

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