New Year Resolutions

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2nd January, 2010 (16th Muharram, 1431)                  Saturday                     Afternoon


So Dear Reader, (I have decided to call you that now, as one day somebody will beread this, right? Hopefully.) I have just finished my morning chores, prayed and now sitting in my room, peace and quiet at last.

This time of the day bees quiet as all the housework gets completed, lunch done and everyone in the family does their own individual things. Me in my room. Mom sewing. Elder sister doing her assignments. Little sisters playing as they have nothing better to do.

Life is always so easy when you are a kid and have nothing to worry about. I missed my childhood. But I guess at least I have my childhood friend to relive my memories with.

While washing up, I realized I have missed the greatest part of the New Year. Can you guess? No? Try again.....Yes! New Year Resolutions!

So I normally never made these, but everyone wants to achieve something in life and it’s easier to achieve what you want if you write it down and work on achieving it by the time you set yourself. So I thought about what I wanted to achieve, there isn’t much, that’s what I thought until I actually started thinking about it.

New Year Resolutions:

1)      Get A’s in all my A levels. I am in year 13, my local 6th Form and they are so hard. I won’t actually be able to get A’s but one can always hope and try. After all I have to aim for being a doctor; that was my mom’s dream. Okay, I know, I know I am going off the topic. So number 2.

2)      Try and finish off reading the whole Holy Qur’an this year, have to pray for my granddad in November. For his peace and light in the grave.

3)      Get my best friends together. They definitely like each other but just won’t say it in case it ruins their friendship. But come on! Love doesn’t give you a second chance. After this year in school, we all will be going off to different universities, doing different things so they won’t be getting another chance to be together and will regret not taking a chance.

4)      Take better care of myself. I need to keep myself up to the standard of girls these days, waxing, threading, make up, etc. I never pay much attention to myself due to not being enough time and I cannot get up early just to get ready! I mean I love my sleep too much. But i will try now.

5)      Look for a job. Everyone is doing that these days. It will give me extra cash to save up for driving lessons and then there are always things you want to buy but don’t want to burden your parents with it. They have enough to handle with our big family and all the bills and things.

6)      Try for head girl. What’s the harm I say? If anyone else can give it a go then I am better than anyone in the department of organisation and development. Plus people feel comfortable talking to me about their problems and I could help them.

7)      Join the charity events organisation committee. Like I said I am great at organising and coming up with new ideas.

Hmm what else?

8)      Look for an eligible guy? I am not into the dating, never have and never will. But looking at my sister being all lovey-dovey with her fiancé, I want to have that with someone too. I want that companionship and love with someone special too.

9)      Oh and finally, try to mend the relationship between us cousins, we don’t get a chance to meet up much due to living so far away, but we should meet up somewhere, we never get a chance when we meet for festivals. We are drifting apart because of that. So I will have to try extra hard this year.

10)  There should be 10 resolutions right? I don’t need to lose weight as I am slim, but toning up would be good. Try to get a super flat stomach and toned legs. A good body is always something every girl wants.

There, that wasn’t too hard. I will have to review them time to time. There are high statistics of resolutions being forgotten after a couple of weeks. I won’t let that happen with me; I will look at them every month and cross off what I have achieved.

Before I get carried away with this writing (I realise I really love writing now, its somewhere nobody stops me. I can talk as much as I want, whatever I want and for how long I want. One of very few things I get to control.) I have to revise for exams, they start in 10 days! I have to get cracking. My notes are done, now just the memorising bit left. So bye for now!

NB: Sorry for the late upload, I was away for Umrah and then my nephew was born! It was such a joyous occasion for all of us. After the unexpected arrival (a week early) I had my nose operation. Nothing fancy, just the burning of the inner lining as I had dust-mite allergy. Such a horrible thing as you cannot go anywhere without sneezing and blowing your nose. Embarrassing too. 


Now I am better but not fully, still blowing my nose and getting clotted blood. Even 3 weeks after the operation my nose is bleeding. Its scary and I hope it gets better. So pray for me guys!


Back to the issue at hand, what are you thinking of the story so far? Or shall I say Diary. Its a new thing I am trying, well wattpad is a whole new experiance in itself. So do let me know what your feelings and thoughts are as I do want to improve. 


Please please don't be a silent reader, It will make my day if you commented and voted!


Also do recommend to your muslim or non-muslim friends on wattpad to check this out as it would be great to hear views from the wattpad community as I realise there isn't such a diary on here. And if I am wrong, please do correct me.


I'll stop rambling.


Khuda Hafiz (Bye)

and take care!




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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2013 ⏰

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