"God dammit, you don't happen to have a light, do you?" he asks, motioning at his unlit huff and puff smoke. You look in your bag, remembering that you had one in there from lighting fireworks with your friends the other day. You reach in your bag, trying to feel for the lighter when you suddenly feel a sharp pain against the palm of your hand. You pull out your hand fast, blood now dripping down it. You had completely forgotten you put a knife in your bag. Bigby steps closer to you, taking your hand in his to look at the cut.

"Do you normally carry a knife in your bag or is it just because you were scared to be talking to me?" he asks, his eyes glancing up to yours before looking back down at your hand. You feel yourself blush, looking over at him as he pulls out a cloth from his pocket with his other hand and wraps it securely around your palm. "There, that should stop the bleeding" he says, letting go of your hand.

"Thank you" you say, reaching into the bag with your good hand this time careful not to hit the knife. You pull out the lighter, and bring it up to the smoke that's held between his lips. You can feel his eyes on you which causes your hand to slightly shake, holding it against the smoke until it finally catches.

"Thanks" he says, turning his head to puff smoke in the air. He turns on his heel, and walks down the street, disappearing in the distance. You look behind your shoulder, then back in his direction, thinking about whether or not to sneak after him. You wanted to know if there were more fables out there and to see them for yourself so you quickly follow in the direction he went in, being careful not to let him catch sight of you.


After following Bigby around for quite some time, you see him go into a mysterious place and make your way towards the door which has the logo "Sheppard Metalworks" on it. You slowly open the door, peaking your head through to make sure he can't see you, and sneak in quietly closing the door behind you. You look around, trying to catch sight of him again but can't seem to spot him. Walking down the stairs, you look around at the place with nothing but old metal and rusty platforms filling the building. "Ugh, I can't believe I lost him" you say, quietly to yourself.

"Lost who?" a feminine voice says from behind you. You slowly turn around and panic fill your whole body as you stare at the figure that stands before you. Bloody Mary, the girl you used to have nightmares of was standing in front of you, glass shards all over her body.

"Aww, look at the scared little girl" she says, smiling devilishly at you. Moving her hand up to her chest, she pulls out a large piece of glass from her skin, and holds it up to your neck. You close your eyes tightly, preparing for what happens next when suddenly, you hear a loud crash in front of you. You open your eyes to see Bigby in wolf form tackle her to the ground. She takes the sharp piece of glass that was initially meant for your neck and shoves it into his back, kicking him off her and running away. Bigby stands up, ripping out the glass from his back and turning to look at you. You really shouldn't have come here but it was too late to turn back now. Instead of him leaving you like you thought he would, he runs over to you, effortlessly lifting you up to his back and running towards the exit.

"Go!" he shouts, setting you down near the door before he is pushed back into the air by Bloody Mary. Worried for Bigby, you look around for anything to use as a weapon. You catch sight of a wooden bat in the distance and run towards it but are pushed down by another Bloody Mary. You crawl towards the bat, grabbing it just in time to swing at her head causing her to explode into glass. You quickly pick yourself off the ground and run towards the railing, leaning over to get a look at what's going on below. Bigby is in the middle, surrounded by hundreds of clones of Bloody Mary. They all charge at him, slicing into his skin as he howls in pain.

"No!!" you shout, tears filling your eyes. Only one of them snaps there head up your way and you know that that's the main one. You begin to rush down the stairs with only one objective, kill Bloody Mary. From the corner of your eye you see Bigby grow bigger, transforming into his final form. Although you want so badly to look, you keep your eyes glued to her, making sure not to mix her up with any of the fake copies. Glass shatters in the air from Bigby crushing and fighting causing tiny slices against your skin. You ignore the pain, running towards her. Bringing the bat above your head, with all your effort you bring it down, missing as she effortlessly disappears, reappearing behind you. She kicks you hard in the back, causing you to fly in the air and crash hard on the cold cement. You lay there in pain, completely lifeless and unable to move as you here her footsteps getting closer. Feeling the ground shake below you, you force yourself on your back to see that Bigby had jumped over top of you, protecting you from anyone flying your way. Clone after clone, he ripped them all to pieces but they just kept coming. Bigby suddenly stops attacking and you are sure that this is it. You look up to see the wolf above you opening his mouth and breathing in and you know what he is about to do. Just like in the books, he huffs, and he puffs, and he blows them all away. There glass bodies shatter across the walls instantly killing all of them. Leaving the main bloody Mary left. Bigby instantly smashes a paw over top of her, holding her down as he rips off her head, spitting it out on the floor and it rolls beside you. Still in pain from being kicked in the back, you remain laying still, Bigby's wolf body still hovering over top of you. You look straight up, at the thick fur that spreads across his stomach until you begin to see his size slowly shrinking until he completely transforms back into human form. Looking down, you notice that he is completely naked, laying down on top of you and breathing hard. Your face turns bright red as he quickly stands up, pulling you up with him. You keep your eyes glued to the ceiling as he speaks to you.

"You just had to follow me" he says, still breathless from what just happened.

"I'm sorry, I'm really stupid." You say, shyly playing with your hands.

"Well, you're pretty brave for a Mundie" he says walking towards his clothing. You can't help your eyes from quickly bouncing from the ceiling to his body, admiring how toned he is. He quickly puts on his clothing and turns back towards you, securing the tie around his neck.

"Are you okay?" he asks, actually looking concerned for you.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Are you?" you ask, reaching a hand up to move away a stray hair that was covering a large cut on his forehead.

"I'm a fable. I'll live" he says, smiling down at you. "Come on, this time I'll walk you home" he says, hesitantly taking your hand in his before intertwining his fingers through yours and leading you out the door.

"Thanks... for saving me even when I wasn't supposed to be there in the first place" you say quietly, breathing in the fresh air as he holds the door open for you and you walk outside.

"Don't mention it" he says, pulling out another smoke and you instantly light it for him.

"I guess you're not as bad as everyone says you are" you say, smiling shyly as you look up at him.

"I guess not" he says, giving your hand a quick squeeze as you both walk in the direction of your home, hand in hand as the sun begins to go down.

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