Tame Days But Revolution Nights

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Cameron POV

When I'm finished my call gently pick Nash up and take him to our bedroom, I'm so excited for his future because it is clear that his father mismanaged his career. He only took deals for his own gain and even after that he stole money from his son. When I lay Nash doe he opens his eyes and I kiss his lips lightly.

"I didn't want to wake you up, I'm sorry." I apologize softly and kiss his cheek and forehead before pulling him into my arms. He rests his head on my chest and begins to rub his hands up and down my chest. Even his simple touches turn me on so much.

"I actually want to talk to you," he says softly and he turns his head to look up at me.

"Matt is planning to date Shawn, he's going to take him out and I want to warn him about him. Shawn is not loyal and I'd hate to see my friend get hurt if there's something I could have done to prevent it," he explains and I know what he's asking. I frown because it took me a long time to even tell Nash about Shawn, I definitely don't feel comfortable with a mere acquaintance knowing my painful history with him.

"I don't want you to bring me up, Nash. I don't like anyone else knowing about it but you and Jack," I reply and he lets out a stressed sigh.

"Matt is stubborn, Cam. I can't be vague because he's going to want to know specifics about it." Nash insists and I shake my head, there's no way I'm changing my mind.

Nash seems annoyed and I frown because he isn't being considerate of my feelings at all.

"I understand that it's painful to think about and I won't tell Matt unless you give me permission but I really want to prevent heartbreak because that's where this is headed. He's going to want to double date and stuff, what will I tell him the excuse as to why we can't?" Nash asks and now I'm getting annoyed. Who is he more loyal to?

"Fuck, Nash. I already said I don't want you to tell him and that's fucking final. I don't care what you have to tell Matthew about Shawn, just don't bring my name into it." I tell him firmly and he huffs and moves away from my arms.

"Really, Nash? You can't be mature about this?" I ask him as I sit up and he crosses his arms as he stares at the wall.

"You're basically going to let my best friend get hurt because of some misguided sense of pride? How could I not be annoyed?" He spits out, I clench my hands because I'm getting angry now.

"It's not fucking pride, Nash! That was the worst fucking period of my life, I don't want him knowing about it. It took me so long to even tell you about it and I'm supposed to let an acquaintance know because he's stubborn enough not to trust you? Fuck that!" I exclaim and I get up to leave, I have to blow off steam because I'm really heated right now and I don't want to say something I'll regret.

"Where the fuck are you going?" Nash asks and I ignore him as I grab my wallet and keys, I leave the room without another word to him and I can hear him scramble off of the bed to follow me but I keep it moving.

I slam the door shut and make my way down to my car, I get in and slam the door shut. I'm about to pull out when Nash runs down the stairs and stops right behind my car. I grip the wheel tightly because he's being so immature and infuriating right now.

I roll down the window. "Move out of my fucking way, Nash."

"No." He says petulantly and he crosses his arms as he looks at me.

My fury rises because I'm getting even more worked up, I need space and he's acting like a child about this.

I slam my fists on the wheel and turn off my car. I get out and slam the door shut, Nash thinks I'm going up to him but I walk past him and keep going in the direction of the street.


I ignore his yelling, I can hear his feet pounding in the ground as he runs towards me as I'm turning to face him, he slams into me and we fall to the ground together.

Blinding hot pain shoots through my bad leg and I can't stop the pained cry that leaves my lips.

Nash gets off me immediately and he kneels next to me, a panicked expression on his face.

"Oh my god, I didn't mean to run into you baby. I swear, I wasn't expecting you to stop and turn to me, I promise," he rushes out and his voice trembles with emotion. I can barely concentrate on his words because the pain in my leg overwhelms me, I squeeze my eyes shut as tears start to run down my cheeks.

It's the worst pain I've ever felt in my life and I know for certain that something bad as happened to my leg.

"Fuck, I told myself that I wouldn't push the issue because I know it was still painful but I'm so hot-headed and stupid. I'm so sorry baby, if I had listened to myself you'd be okay. Oh, God. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I've made your leg worse," he cries as he rambles on and on. I can barely concentrate on what he's saying to me.

"Call the ambulance or help me to my car, take me to the hospital." I choke out and I can feel him stand up. He grabs me underneath my arms and hoists me up, I'm lucky he's an athlete and he's strong because he picks me up and takes me to the car easily.

He grabs my keys and opens the doors, he gently places me on the backseat of my car and I wish I could pass out because this pain is excruciating.

My mind gets foggy from the pain and I barely aware when we arrive to the hospital and Nash takes me inside. It's not until I'm lying on a stretcher in the emergency room after receiving pain medicine that I open my eyes and look at Nash.

"Can you call Jack, please? I need some space from you right now, Nash." I request lowly and the hurt expression on his face almost makes me want to change my mind but I don't. I do need space from him.

Tears start to fall down his cheeks again and my heart clenches at the sight because I never like to see my boyfriend upset. I have to be selfish right now though and I do need time away from him,

"I'll ask Jack to keep you updated, Nash. For right now I just need you to leave," I tell him quietly and I look at the wall behind him because if I see him continue crying I'll change my mind and things will just be worse because I'll get bitter and I will hold a grudge, I don't want that so I need him to go.

"Okay," Nash's tone is broken and I blink back tears.

This fucking sucks.

Nash stands and leaves a few moments later, the tears start to fall down my cheek silently and I wipe them immediately.

A/n- only a few more chapters for this one too. ❤️

Votes and comments have been steadily decreasing across all of my stories, not gonna lie bc that actually makes me sad. I'm wrapping these stories up and will probably just update the short stories book.

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