Enter From The East

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Nash POV

The weeks away from Cameron have driven me crazy. I want to be with him so much and the time as finally come for me to move out. Christmas was awkward, I finally told my mother that I was going to move out after the new year. She was upset about it and I tried to explain my thought process but all she fixated on was that I was moving across the country and away from my family.

She's never met Cameron and I promised that he and I would come to see her and my siblings after I'm settled in. I heard her and Chad having an argument and she blames him for my decision to move away and switch managers. She feels like he pushed me away and honestly he did. His greed and his unloving treatment of me have made me unhappy for a while now, he didn't care about me all he want was more sponsorships and for me to travel all over the country giving interviews when all I wanted to do was get some rest before returning to my rigorous training.

My birthday was a quiet one, it was a huge milestone turning 18 but all I got was a cake and a birthday card. Everyone is upset that I'm leaving, especially Hayes and Skylynn but I explained that I'll visit as much as I can.

I'm packing my things that I'll have shipped in boxes to California. I also pack two suitcases that have clothes that I'll use while my boxes arrive to Cameron's apartment. There's a soft knock on my door before my mom enters the room and shuts the door behind her.

She looks sadly at my bare walls and boxes stacked on top of each other.

"I can't believe my baby is moving out," she whispers sadly and my heart clenches with emotion. My mom was always an awesome mother to me, she always wanted what's best for me. When my father wanted me to train harder she would intervene saying that I need rest and can't push my body too hard.

I go up to her and wrap my arms around her in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry, mommy. I'll miss you so much." I reply and I hear her sniffle softly. " mom, don't cry, I'll visit as much as I can. I'll bring Cameron with me so you can meet him. He's so amazing and he makes me so happy. I just need someone who I know has my best interests in mind, he does. 100%."

"I could kill Chad for alienating you to the point that you have to move across the country," she says bitterly and I pull back a little bit.

"I should have told you what was going on but I didn't want to stress you out." I confess and she sighs again. I pull away and then continue packing my boxes.

"I'll take you to the airport tomorrow with Sky and Hayes," she tells me and I nod in agreement. We spend the rest of the evening packing up my room and we're done by 10pm. I have excitement building inside of me because soon I'll be with Cameron and we'll be together, no more goodbyes.

I lie in bed and take out my iPad so that we can FaceTime. I call him and he picks up immediately. I smile when I see his gorgeous face with a happy smile.

"Hi, baby. I've been waiting for your call," he tells softly and my heart flutters with emotion. I love that he can be vulnerable enough to tell me things like that.

"We just got done packing up my room," I explain and he nods in understanding. "In less than 24 hours I'm going to be with you and I won't have to leave. I can't wait. Time is going by so slow, it's unfair."

He laughs at my whining and I shrug unashamed of my complaining.

"I'll be waiting at the airport with open arms," he says and I grin as I imagine our reunion. As soon as we're in his apartment I'm jumping his ass. There's no more waiting, I'll finally lose my virginity to him, my dream come true. I've fantasized about this moment for so long, it's kind of unreal that I've made my dream come true.

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