Hunting Me

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Scout had only just made it to the open widow of the Janovan and Earth Embassy cross over when she heard the noise. Hurrying feet beat against the checkered linoleum in syncronisation with her fluttering heart. The weight of the briefcase in her hand spurred her on to step out onto the ledge. The slapping was getting louder now, almost nagging at her. There was nothing else to be done here, no reason for her to stay, and yet the enormity of what she and her twin were attempting by retrieving the briefcase made her reluctant to take the fall. The TAKT officers had made it around the corner, exposing Scout and her package. Guns pointing at her like four mocking tongues poked at her for the lick of death. She exhaled the lungful of fear and regret she'd held in tight to her chest, and let go.

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