"Well maybe not exactly, cause he walked away, but you couldn't have been studying or reading together if you were that close." Harry started. "and then Theodore Nott was running that way but he turned around." I laughed at that but I did get concerned on why he was running. 

"Where did he run to?" I asked.

"Merlin! Don't tell me you care about him too." Harry said, obviously offended. 

"Look me and Draco are not involved in each other." I said quietly. She saw his shocked face. "Or Theodore for that sake." 

"But you are hanging out with the most evil people of the school!" 

"Fuck off, Harry." I said and walked off to send Draco an owl to meet me in 10 minutes in the owlery. 

Dracos POV 

"Granger!" I called. She turned around to greet me. "Whats wrong?" 

"Everything, me and Harry have fallen out... He has a map which allows him to see where everyone is... He saw us together after all this time... He says I have been lying and..." Hermione ranted and started to cry when I wrapped my arms around her. I do not touch anyone else apart from Hermione and my mother, mostly out of pure awkwardness but they are the only important girls in my life and I don't think boys hugging boys is right unless they are romantically involved. She cried into my chest while playing with the end of my Slytherin tie. 

"You know, if anyone walked into the owlery and saw you playing with the end of my tie it might look rather dirty." I whispered in her ear, she giggled slightly and wrapped her arms around my chest while leaning on me. I kissed the top of her head and we parted. I went to the edge of the owlery and wondered if one day I would fall off a large hight. I knew they were not normal teenage boy thoughts, but if I get involved in the upcoming war there has to be some way out of it. I wondered briefly if Granger would join me and shock my head from the stupid thought. 

"Draco, you can go from laughing about your own joke to seriously upset the next." She whispered looking down with me. 

"Don't ever jump." I murmured and Hermione looked shocked. "Of anywhere with that... Purpose in mind. We may be separated by the upcoming war but you never know when I might see you again." I sighed.

"Draco, was that sigh because you spoke more openly that intended?" She questioned quietly. I nodded and she did too. "I won't jump if you don't." She said quietly. I looked at her in disbelief, I valued her life a lot more than my own, I'd never say that, of course. I realised around 3 minutes had passed and I hadn't said a word. "Draco... Are you... Suicidal?" She said almost to quietly to hear. 

I looked down slowly, if I was given the chance would I jump? No. If I lost Hermione would I jump? Yes. 

"I will be if I lose you, you're the only reason I haven't jumped since I got this despicable mark. If I didn't have you to live for I would've jumped around a month ago." I whispered. She sighed. 

"Draco, if you had the chance to die in a pain-free way, would you?" She asked. 

"No. Not today." I breathed. "Maybe if I went through the mark without you to keep me going. Maybe if I lost you. Maybe if you suddenly got back with Weasley. But not when I have you here." I opened up. I sounded more cheesy than expected and she sighed in relief and put her head on my shoulder.

"You are never alone, Draco. You have your family." 

"I care about you more than them." and I sighed as soon as I realised I had said it out loud. I kicked the post with anger, self anger. 

"You don't mean that." Hermione said quickly. She knew I did though. 

"What exactly have my family done to make me love them? You saw James the other day. You know that my dad is having a trial for Azkaban..." 

"No I didn't. Gosh, thats awful, sorry Draco."

"He belongs there. He got caught killing a young mud - sorry - muggleborn. He went here I think, they didn't make his death very public though-"

"Colin Creevey. He is very young. Underaged and muggleborn." obviously she meant underaged to protect himself outside of Hogwarts. She sadly looked down the side again. "Draco will you help me?" She whispered.

I hesitated making a joke about how she never needed help but I failed to take the piss out of her when she looked so beautiful. "Yeah, sure. How?" I said in my normal voice rather than the whispered we were previously communicating in. She suddenly pulled up my sleeve to see the dark mark. I let her, I trusted her. She touched a scar at the end of my wrist just before my wrist reached my hand. 

"Draco, how did you get this?" she asked curiously. I remembered it. 

It was about a month before me and Hermione got close and I knew what was going to happen in the future. 

I desperately looked at my reflection in the mirror. I wobbled slightly because of dizziness and Harry Potter came running in. 

"FUCK OFF, POTTER!" I shouted furiously trying to regain steadiness. He carried on coming toward me and held his wand up at me. I knew I was to weak to protect myself so I quickly walked away, going to the opposite side of the bathroom. A few spells later I was extremely weak and almost failed to retrieve myself of the cold ground. Potter ran away when he saw how weak I was. I really didn't want to live with so many people hating me. I smashed the mirror and used the bit of glass to cut directly on my vein. I didn't care, I didn't want to live. It wasn't long before I collapsed. I woke up several days later in the medical ward. Harry had owned up to attacking me and they assumed my lack of energy came from that, little did they know what my sleeve had covered on my wrist.

"It was ages ago, before I got... Close to you..."

"It won't kill you to say 'relationship', Malfoy." she joked trying to lighten the mood "Sorry, carry on." 

"It was when Potter attacked me in the bathroom, I didn't want to live like that anymore." 

"So you are suicidal?" 

"I was. I made the decision too quickly, in retrospect I wouldn't have done it." I lied. I still would've done it, I could've died and at the time Hermione wouldn't have cared. Is it that selfish that I wish this relationship wasn't complicated? It probably was but it was for both of us, right? 

"What are you going to do about Dumbledore?" I whimpered slightly at his name. "Sorry" she whispered.

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked. She shrugged. "Granger you are the good one, what would you do?" she shook her head lightly. "Granger, please, I cannot just kill him!" 

"What are you supposed to do?" She reversed my question. I had a sudden urge to breakdown, knowing that if Hermione didn't have a logical plan, no one would. I stayed strong as she was standing right there, looking calm considering what we were discussing.

"So you are fine with me killing Dumbledore?!" I asked, confused. 

"No." Hermione said carefully. "But its either Dumbledore or you... And I guess... I pick you." She whispered.

I grabbed her and our cold lips collided, making flashes of warmth in the cold owlery with the quiet hoots of the tired owls. 

"I fucking-" I started then realised what I was going to say. "like spending time with you." 

"No, Draco, what were you going to say?" She said seriously. 

"Are you honestly going to make me say it?" I questioned quietly. She looked at me completely seriously. "I fucking love you, Hermione Granger!" I shouted. 

"I fucking love you too." She said quietly and rapidly kissed me. 

(A/N this was so long because it was originally 2 chapters but I decided to put them together
I have also had a minor crisis, I have the next chapter ready but I had to rewrite it because my laptop messed up. I will put up the rewrite but don't expect it to be great, I am not happy with it at all.)

(P.S- Has anyone been to the Harry Potter studio tour in London? I am going in May and I want to know your thoughts!) 

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