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I awake in a cold sweat again, tears streaming down my face, I had another nightmare of my ex coming home giving me shit telling I was sleeping around with people calling me a fat tart. I went out to the balcony sat there crying and the memories starting following. Why oh why am I suffering. I now hated Austraila and did want to be there Mary had fucked me over two months ago I arrived home to find her kissing my bf Dave I kicked her and him out and that's when life started to spiral out of control.

Next morning I wake to hear voices in the living room I recognise Ann-Marie's but the male voice I did. I got up went and and who I meet sitting in my living room chatting to Ann-Marie., was Matt Dee. "Hi Laura I'm Matt Dee". I know who you are I replied coldly and asked what are you doing here, "I here cause Ann-Marie called me she is worried about you and you frame of mind. She called FTW and explain you are going through a bad patch, so I'm hear to have a chat with you".

Ann-Marie POV
I woke again like clock work every night for past 3 months. I knew Laura was unhappy even thought she pretended to be fine, but she wasn't Mary had pushed her to the edge and it was spiralling out of control. Tonight was the final straw, after listing to her sob her heart out on the balcony again, I decided to call a friend who had me over my sisters sudden death and get me into a happier place.

Next morning I woke and rang Matt straight away explain the story as best as I could from her ex, having Cillian getting the abuse mentally and verbally from her ex, to what had and the fact I don't think Laura could trust another man ever again. But Laura need a person who she could open up to, a man Matt Dee, he is founded FTW which helps people with depression and more.

"Hi Matt I really need you to come over adapt my friend Laura needs help and I alone know I can't save her, I know she wants saving, but won't open up to me, her depressing is spiralling out of control" , Matt said he'd be over straight away. I was glad cause I alone wasn't ready to deal with this.

Now it was a guessing game as how would Laura would react would she be glad after all he is one of her Idols the reason we came. Or would she freak and pretend it's all hunky dory, she is good at that.

Matt POV
I arrived at the Laura and Ann-Marie's, Ann-Marie was thrilled to see me but yet I felt like this was going to be difficult as she told me she didn't know how Laura would react. "Let's just go with the flow ok, if we can get her to trust me a man first and open to me she'll be on the right track" Ann-Marie looked at me extremely worried, " look if she won't talk to me I'll ask Nicola to stop by later and chat girl to girl, that will be a start, please don't worry".  Laura came into the lounge I went to introduce myself "hi I'm" and was stopped dead in my tracks "I know who you are I do watch Bondi Rescue" Laura sounded pissed off which shocked me, shouldn't she be happy I'm her idol, she look towards Ann-Marie waiting for an explanation, I thought I should probably step in and explain but Ann-Marie got their first.

Ann-Marie's POV
Laura was giving me the death stare like wtf is going on and why is he here, I quickly respond with" Laura I hear you every night sobbing you heart out on the balcony, you hardly set foot outside the house and you spent most days in bed, I'm running out of options on how to help, it's like tip toeing on eggshells, I'm asking you, well begging you as my best friend to let Matt help you please", I could feel her eyes piercing me and I knew this was going to go one way. " Say something Laura please, I know toy want to be help, I can't help you as you won't let me, so please let Matt help you to help yourself, we care".

Next thing I know is in standing outside the door being roared at to f**k off and what right is it of mine to think that Laura needs help, I knew it was my time to walk and I did.

Matt followed me told me to wait for him, but to be honest Laura was my priority no one else she had become the next best thing to being a sister.

Laura's POV
How dare she, how f***king dare she best friend I don't think so more a traitor a backstabber, I am managing fine, so what right had she to go behind my back and humiliate me she was suppose to be my best friend my sister, and my idol we were not supposed to meet like this, this cannot be happing, I couldn't hold it together though, I remember shouting horrible stuff, stuff I never want to remember but it push Ann-Marie to far she had left, left me to pick up the piece and fix my f**ked up live again.
I look at Matt and blurred out " why the f**k are you still in my house, seen enough have we, run back to you little mates and have a good old f** king laugh, go on" at that I ran, ran to my only sanctuary, my room and trashed it and everything in sight.

I must of dosed off and woke sometime later, I heard voices coming from the living room, one was Matt's the other a female voice, but definitely not Ann-Marie, Matt was telling who every it was the whole story " look thanks a million for coming over, I couldn't leave her, I saw a look in her eyes, the look of want help but being a proud headstrong woman, and I thought you'd be best to maybe have a word, but whatever happens we are not leaving Nicola, ok?"  The other voice is Nicola's but why, why do they care for a waster like me. Thoughts began to flash through my head, there using you going make you a laughing stock. I don't remember much after that except darkness.

Nicola's POV
"Hey Matt what's up" I said into the phone, I'll be right there do you need anything, I drove like a mad woman to the address Matt had given me. I knock the door Matt answered and hugged me tightly thanking me a thousand times or so for coming. He then explained the whole story from Ann-Marie 's phone call, why he is there, the explosion and the aftermath. I hadn't  met Laura but knew from how Matt spoke of her he knew he had to help her. That's when we heard a loud thump and saw Laura pass out on the floor, how much had she heard, "Laura Laura Matt shouted, she was breathing and responsive groaning out, so Matt picked her up moved her to her bedroom leaving her to sleep, we took turns keeping an eye on her, I could see Matt was afraid for her. I said I'd stay over to give a hand and told him maybe to text her friend to make sure she was ok and see if she need clothes or accommodation for couple of days, told Matt to say she could stay with me and Harrison's as he is New Zealand at the mo.

Matt's POV
Thank god Nic was here I was freaking out wtf just happened, I stayed calm rang Ann-Marie and filled her in, told her Nic would back a few bits in bag and that she could stay there, I said I'd sent Maxi and Jesse around to talk to her keep her company , she seemed relieved and I promised to keep her updated and made her promise to text if she need anything, anything at all.

A/n hope you like please let me know what you think, I feel by changing it around it will work better.

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