Chapter 11: Never Going Back

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After our heart to heart we decided it was time to go back to camp, but long and behold the first thing I see is one of the boys picking on Henry. Before I could intervene Peter grabbed my hand "You can't protect him forever. He needs to know how to defend himself"

He's right Henry's a big boy and on Neverland he's not my responsibility anymore. "I'm gonna go to sleep just make sure no one is killed" I kissed his check and walked the direction of the tent. I couldn't have taken more than two steps before Peter grabbed my arm and kissed full on the lips. It was faster then last time, but still soft and sweet.

"Sleep well" he said once we pulled away. I was shocked to say the least. Not trusting my voice I simply nodded and headed to the tent.


I've been up for a few minutes now, but refuse to get out of this bed. Its super comfortable and the pillow my face is currently hidden in smells like Peter. After about a five minute internal argument I decided it was probably best to get up. I figured I could work on my archery, seeing as it's been a while since I've practiced them. While walking towards the predetermined archery range, I noticed Henry sitting on a log drawing in the dirt with a sword(which was strangely the first sword I'd seen on the island). "Hey bro where'd you get the sword?"

"Well it's actually a stick, but I believed it would be a sword and it became one"

"Believe your the truest believer yet?" I cocked an eyebrow

Henry rolled his eyes but ignored my previous statement "Where's your bracelet?"

I shrugged "Pan took it off"

"That's perfect!" he exclaimed, but only loud enough for me to hear.

"How exactly is that perfect?" I could sense where he was going, but for now let's just pretend I don't.

"You have magic now that means we can leave. We can find a way to get back home."Damnit.

Maybe if I play dumb he'll just drop it "What are you talking about? Where'd you get that idea? We're not leaving"

"Of course we're leaving, we have to get out of here."

"Even if we could get out of here we don't have magic beans and Pan has eyes everywhere. Plus I don't want to leave."

"Why would you want to stay here? Don't you want to go home" I could here the disappointment in his voice and as much as it killed me, I have to do what's right even if that means destroying his hope.

I put my hands on his shoulders and looked him dead in the eyes "We're better off here Henry"

We were so enticed in your little family squabble neither of us realized Nibs (the Lost Boy who Henry fought earlier) approach us until he poked Henry with the forked end of his spear. On instinct henry raised his sword and I made a fireball.

"Look I don't wanna fight again okay" Henry said with a slight touch of fear in his voice. whether the fear was towards Nibs or the fact that he'll have to fight again, I knew not.

"I didn't come to fight. I came to deliver a message" intrigued I will my fireball to disappear, because he obviously wasn't a threat. Nibs then pushed us further into the bushes so we were concealed by the shadows. "Your family is here"

"What" Henry gasped.

"Don't listen to him Henry it's probably just some way to get back at you"

"Its not I swear. They're on the island trying to find you"

"She's right. Y-you're making this up because I cut your cheek."

"I'm not making this up. Look" he reached into his pocket and pulled out a mirror, which you could obviously tell it was a compact broken in half. In the mirror were, of course the two Charming girls and the Evil Queen bombarding Henry with question like "Are you okay?" and "Can you hear me". I rolled my eyes, of course they'd ask for Henry first.


I'm here too Henry" spoke the overly excited princess

"Henry it not them, it's a trick. Anyone could have put an illusion charm on it." I was desperate at this point. I, being one that has powers, was able to tell that this was the real deal and that they were, for a fact, on this island.

"No, no it's not a trick. Henry I promise you its real. Kid its operation cobra rescue, its us." the irritating voice of the savior said as reinsurance.

"You're here?" he questioned

"Yes and we're coming to get you"

"There's someone coming. Its Pan. We gotta go." I took the mirror from him and threw it at a tree, but not before sending the three a smirk. Well crap if they find the camp there gonna want to kill Peter and take Henry and I back to that wretched place and I can't let them do that. Well looks like I gotta get scheming.






Peace Out From Oreo Queen

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