[ the place only you and i share ]

Start from the beginning

Luke, luckily, was saved by Calum and Michael, who immediately got Ashton's attention by introducing themselves. Ashton laughed nervously and introduced himself too, and they all walked to English together.

It turned out that Ashton only had English and Music with the other boys, and they were the first two lessons of the day. Ashton thus found himself walking by himself to the cafeteria, and after asking some random girl for directions, he took a deep breath and walked in. The harsh sounds of conversations clashing in the air hit Ashton's ears. This school is by far the biggest, and so noisiest school he's ever been to, and the cafeteria is huge. His eyes scan the crowd, looking for an empty table. He doesn't want to bother Luke or his friends. They didn't ask him to sit with them at lunch, and so he assumed they just didn't want him there. The rejection had hurt initially, but Ashton has been rejected enough times to be able to brush off the feeling, and keep going. That ability came with a price though. He naturally pushed people away, from fear of rejection. It wasn't something he was proud of, but it was him, and he couldn't change it.

Ashton jumped when he felt a hand enclose around his, and someone yank him into the lunch queue. From the tingles that hit him when the hand grabbed his, he knew it was Luke.

"Ash! Hey!"

"Hey Luke. Er what are you doing?"

"You didn't think I'd let you eat alone, did you?"

Luke shook his head, as if the thought of letting Ash eat by himself was the most ridiculous thing he ever heard.

"You didn't ask-I just thought. I don't know. Sorry."

Luke had noticed that about Ashton. Ashton never made the first move, and only did things if he was asked to. Yet, instead of pushing him away, like it did with more people, Luke was intrigued. Ashton was a mystery, and Luke was desperate to get Ashton to open up to him.

"My bad, Ash. We're friends now though, right?"

Ashton felt a smile tugging at his lips.

"Friends sounds good, yeah." Ash gave Luke a nervous chuckle.

"Good. Now come on! Cal and Mikey are waiting for us."

Luke and Ashton grabbed their lunch and weaved their way through the crowds. Luke stayed close to Ashton, and took an almost protective stance while walking behind him. People noticed of course, and people were wondering why Luke had become so attached to this boy. If Luke was honest, he didn't know either. All he knew was that this boy was definitely someone who he wanted to keep close, and wanted to protect, and love? Luke shook off that thought quickly. Luke didn't do love. Luke was gay, yes, and openly gay at that, but had never been one to have a relationship. They just weren't appealing to him. But a relationship with Ashton was, and Luke was desperate.

They sat down, and before long, conversation was flowing easily between the four. Luke, Calum and Michael were telling Ashton about this band they were in, and how they were desperate for a drummer.

"Hey Ash, do you know anyone who plays the drums?" Michael asked.

"Stop being stupid Mike, how would he know anyone here?" Luke said, shaking his head.

Ashton just looked down and blushed, with a small smile on his face.

"Wait a moment," Michael noticed that Ash had gone quiet.

Luke turned to look at Ash, and it simultaneously clicked in Luke, Calum, and Michael's minds.

Ashton looked up when he noticed that the three boys were staring at him with knowing smirks.

Lashton One Shots (Reasons)✓Where stories live. Discover now