Chapter 6: morning antics

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Louis POV

I awake to this unnatural source of heat on both sides of my body. I open my eyes then squint till my eyes adjust to the brightness. When I look to the side of me I see Harry and he is cuddling into the side of my arm. I smile down at him.

I peel my eyes away from the sleeping Harry and look to the other heat source. It is Zayn. He is muttering little semi-inaudable words. I strain my ears to listen and when I do I make out a subtle stream of words that sounds like "not the quiff. Please mr. Red power ranger don't mess up my quiff. I did it special today."

I stifle the laugh that was threatening to escape my mouth. I nudge Harry and he awakes with a start. He was about to talk when I gave him a subtle good morning peck. HOLY SHIT THE SPARKS! OMG I CAN'T!

I point to my ears and then to Zayn. He nods in understanding.

Just then Zayn mumbles "yes I did my head up special for Niall." Me and Harry have a silent fit about what he just said.

Once we calmed down enough to hear him again he said "yeah Niall is a pretty special snow flake."

I couldn't contain it any more I burst out laughing and in the process I knocked Zayn off the bed. He shot strait up and looked at us with red hot anger in his eyes.

He tackled me off the bed an straddled me. "YOU MESSED UP MY FUCKING QUIFF" He screamed.

"What's all this screaming about" a thick groggy irish accent said. "What the hell. C'mon guys don't do that while I'm in the room."

Zayn blushed a deep scarlet and removed his body from on top of mine. "That was not what it looked like" Zayn said. "He messed up my quiff"

"He messed up your quiff so you get all down and dirty with him" Niall states clearly amused.

Zayn is feverishly blushing and he lets out a small "no" before getting up. "I'm gonna take a shower" he said and walked into the bathroom.

Seconds later he peeks his head out of the bathroom and says "umm I kinda need some like bathing stuff"

I get up and leave the room. When I return I have a towel, washcloth, soap, and body wash. I hand it to Zayn and Zayn ask for the bag he brung here. I hands it to him and we wait.

"Can we get our shower things now while we wait" Niall ask after Zayn had been in the bathroom for 59 minutes.

"Okay. I have special soap for you Niall." I say and exits the room.

When I comes back I hand Harry an orange towel and wash cloth and dove for men soap. I hand Niall a blue towel and wash cloth. I hand him a bar of Irish springs.

When Niall sees the soap he glares at me. I begin to run out the door and Niall chases me.

I yell out to Harry "help me Harry he's after me lucky charms". Niall gets even more pissed and increases speed. He tackles me and straddles me fisting my shirt.

I laugh my ass off until Niall slaps me in the face. "YOU STUPID STEREOTYPICAL WANKER" He yells.

The smile instantly fades off my face. It was just a joke. He slapped me again. Than again on the other cheek. He did that three more times before I felt his body extract from on top of mines.

I look up to see Niall's thrashing body held in Zayn's arms. Zayn looked heated.

"What did you do to him" Zayn growls.

"It was just a joke" I say wiping tears from my face I didn't realise had fallen.

"What. Did. You. Do." Zayn says emphasising every syllable.

"I gave him a bar of Irish springs then He chased me and I told Harry he was after my lucky charms and he tackled me and hit me." I say.

Niall stopped thrashing and just lay his head against Zayn's chest who has changed into a seated position.

Zayn kissed Niall on the head and told him to go up and shower. Niall got up and Zayn smacked his bum. Niall jumped and squealed and ran upstairs. Zayn turned to me.

He sighed. I sniffled and said "I'm sorry. I didn't think he would react so badly."

He crawled next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"It's fine it's just... people were kinda dicks to him about his accent and would pick on him about his teeth and would call him dirty 'cause he is Irish." Zayn explains.

I feel like shit for doing that to him. I honestly didn't mean to be such a bitch to him. "I'm sorry" I say to Zayn.

"Don't apologise to me apologise to him." Zayn says. I nod my head and lift it off his shoulder.

I walk back to my room to see Harry hugging a crying Niall. Harry looked up at me with a questioning look on his face and I just shook my head. I gestured for Harry to pass Niall to me. He lifted Niall up effortlessly and as soon as I was sitting comfortably on the bed he put Niall in my lap.

I stroked Niall's red face and he opened his watery eyes. The moment his eyes met mines they turned from sad to angry in a flash. I held him tighter before he got the chance to start kicking and thrashing.

When Niall began to scream that's when Zayn entered the room. He saw the scene and just facepalmed, shook his head, and took Niall from my arms.

"I'm sorry Niall. I'm sorry I didn't know" I said to him. He now had his legs wrapped around Zayn's waist and his arms around his neck. Zayn kept him supported by his bum. Niall looked like an oversized 3 year old and Zayn is his dad.

"Lemme lone" Niall mumbles into Zayn's neck.

"I'm gonna give him a shower see you in a few Lou" Zayn said then disappeared into the bathroom. Someone's comfortable with seeing someone naked.

About 16 minutes later Zayn brought out a fresh clean Niall who was smiling. He ran into my lap and kissed me on the cheek.

"I'm sorry Lou I didn't mean to slap you. Please forgive me" Niall said with his adorable puppy dog face. I cooed at him.

"Of course I forgive you. I was the one being a huge dick to you." I said. I wonder what Zayn said to him to make him forgive me.

Niall kissed me on the cheek again and told me to go take a shower. I hugged him and ran to the bathroom. I hopped in the shower and quickly scrubbed off. When I was nice and clean I dried my hair and put in the clothes I brought into the bathroom. When I was ready and groomed I walked out the bathroom and was attacked in a hug.

"Ung... Niall" I whined. He just giggled.

"Guys lets go. Please" Harry said with a sour look on his face.

"Pfffft I will leave when I want to gurl" I said to him rolling my neck.

"Well we already missed most of first period so very well." He said in a sassy tone.

"Bitch please" I responded then ran down stairs to the car.

Everyone soon followed and we where off to school.



Okay so to you people thx for sticking with this story you are the bestest but I don't think any one stayed :( well yeah. Umm comment and vote for a dedication. And I won't be updating more often sorry. Bye

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