Chapter 5: The coruption (part 2)

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Niall's POV

Zayn just dared Louis to snog Harry. Awesome.

I look up to see Louis leaning over to a frozen Harry. As soon as his lips touch Harry's, he melts into the kiss. I see louis glide his tongue on Harry's bottom lip. Harry gives him access and then shit gets real.

All I could do was stare. My mouth was opened wide. I pried my eyes off the scene to steal a quick glance at Zayn. He was copying my reaction.

There is a full on snog session going on right in front of me. The boys pull apart and we just sit in silence for a bit.

Then I say "damn that was hot." Don't judge me its true.

"Damn right it was" Zayn says. Told you it was true.

Harry and Louis start giggling like 5 year old girls. "That was awesome" Harry says. Then they high five.

What the hell? How do you just make out with your best friend then just high five him like it was so damn normal. I felt some thing pang my heart. Jealousy? No. More like envy. I just shrug it off.

"Louis we have no time to finish the game we have chizz to do." Harry says. I turn to Zayn and give him a confused look that he returned.

Harry turns to me and zayn and says "It involves you two. Mainly you Niall but we need your help Zayn. You know what Tumblr is right?"

Zayn nods and I'm the only one there standing with a dumb look on my face. What the hell is Tumblr?

"Good. Louis we 500 cc's of tweendom. Stat" Harry says to louis.

"Why" louis says.

"We are going to turn Niall into a fanboy." Harry says. By the tone of his voice I don't think a fanboy Is something you want to be.

"Uh-uh. I ain't being no fanboy. It sounds bad. I don't wanna" I whine to Harry.

"Niall shut the hell up and go on the laptop" Zayn says.

I stare at him wide eyed. "No no no no. Zayn you can't let them do this to me. It sounds evil."

"Niall I am a fanboy and trust me it's not evil. It is like the best thing ever." Zayn says and harry looks at him questioningly.

"Oh really. What's your fandom?" Harry asked.

"I'm a trencher" Zayn answers.

"What would happen if you lost your laptop?"

"World war 3"

"What do you do all day?"

"Tumblr twitter Facebook Instagram Doritos"


"Larry stylinson" Zayn says with a smirk.

"It better be now Niall. Please let us make you a fanboy." Harry pleaded.

I sigh. "Okay but if I get hurt I will kill you."

"YAAYYYYYY" Louis exclaims. "First things first what fandom are you in"

"What the hell is a fandom" I ask.

"Oh my gosh you are worst than I thought!" Louis yelled.

"What celebrity do you like Niall?" Zayn questions.

"Ummm... I'm quite a fan of Michael Bublè" I respond.

"Blah blah. Um anyone relevant." Louis ask.

"Micheal Bublé is relevant." I argue.

"Not enough. Matter of fact I'm choosing your fandom. Two of them. Zayn your gonna make him a trencher. You sir" he said turning to me "are going to get the first hand experience on how to be a larreer."

I look at Harry and I put on a confused expression. He slaps his hand on his face and muttered what sounded like "facepalm"?

"Well I'm staying close to Zayn so trenching first right" I say to Zayn.

"Trencher and yes" he responded.

"Trencher trenching same thing." I say because essentially it is.

"Niall. It's what the Marianas Teench fans are called." He retorted and I nodded.

"C'mon then blondey. On the computer you go."


About twenty-four interviews and ten funny moments later I realise these boys are really funny and cool.

"Okay quiz time" Zayn says. I look over and nod indicating I am ready.

"How many members are there?"


"What are there names?"

"Matt, Mike, Josh, and Ian."

"Name 3 inside jokes?"

"YOUR NOT MY DAD, Ian is employee of the month, and Josh is a creepy rapist."

"Who is your favourite?"

"Mine. It's probably Matt. He is so funny"

"What intrument does Ian play?"


"What is Mikes sons name?"


"Awesome Niall I think it's time to stamp you a trencher. A jr. That is because you just started today. I think I should hand you over to Louis and Harry. Go on now" Zayn says to me.

I walk over to where the boys are and tell them I am done.

"Well Change of plans actually. Because we are not in the fandom it makes no sense for us to show you so we will get that done later okay? Okay" louis says.

"Okay so what to do now" I question.

"Sleep!" Harry answered. I would be lying if I didn't say I was tired.

"Well off to my room okay Lego" lou said.

We head up the stairs and into louis bedroom. There was only a queen size mattress.

"Are we sharing a bed" I ask no one in particular not really caring.

"Well ummm yeah" louis answers. "Sorry"

"I don't mind" me and Zayn say in unison.

"Okay nap time. Everyone in your pj's. including you styles." Louis says. Harry pouted at louis and said "please lou-bear"

"Ugh fine" louis caves in. "But You have to sleep by me."

"Duh" Harry says and begin to strip. As soon as he was naked louis and Zayn were already changed and I was still gawking at Harry.

"Niall umm. Please stop starling" Harry states kinda awkwardly.

"I'm sorry but if I do say so myself you are effing huge." I exclaim.

He chuckles then says "sorry but he is property of mr. Tomlinson."

Then he tackles louis and louis screams and tries to get from under him.

The rest of the night involve us mucking around and finally falling asleep one by one.


Okay so yeah

also the picture is the look niall gave harry before he face palmed.

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