Chapter 3: who sings

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Harry's POV

Mr.Felix said that tomorrow we are going to preform a song individually. We had the rest of the period to plan.

"Who sings" Niall ask.

"What" I ask. I heard him but I didn't process what he said.

"Who sings. Me and Zayn sings. Who else does." Niall says.

"Me and Harry sing" Louis answers for me.

"Awesome does anyone play instruments" Niall ask. "Because I play guitar."

"I play a bit of drums and a bit of piano" Louis says.

"Same for me" I say. We learned together growing up.

"Me too" Zayn says. Just at that moment one of the jocks, Liam Payne, came up to us. He is not mean but Niall seem to think he was because Niall cowered back into his seat.

"What's up" Zayn said. Bold move for some one who used to be bullied.

"Do any of you guys sing. Like decent" he asked all of us.

"We all do" Zayn says for once.

We all nod in agreement and then Liam curtly nods his head and walks to the next group to ask the same question.

"He is kinda cute" Niall says still checking him out. "Too bad he is strait" he says slowly and sadly.

Me and louis burst out laughing once again. "He is as strait as my hair" I say gesturing toward my full head of curly brown hair.

"HE'S GAY" Niall yells. Liam looked at us then at Niall.

"Do you have a problem with gays" Liam said clenching his hands into a fist. Niall looked terrified yet he burst out laughing.

"What's so funny" Liam says.

"I'm gay" Niall say after he calmed down a bit. He quickly slapped his hand over his mouth.

"Niall remember what I said" I whisper to him. He pulls his hand down from his bright red face.

"Oh" was all Liam said. Well that was awkward.

"Well what song are you going to sing Niall" I ask him trying to change the subject.

"Pompeii by Bastille" Niall responds almost immediately. I guess I succeeded.

"I love that song" I say. "What about you zayn" I ask.

"Shake tramp by Marianas Trench" Zayn says.

"I LOVE THAT SONG" Louis yells.

Again with that jealousy feeling. Why does louis keep doing this. He was never like this before and he talked about Zayn as if he was a disease. Why was he changing his mind now.

"I think I'm gonna sing I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! at the Disco." I say trying to outshine Zayn's song.

"That's a good song" Louis says with less enthusiasm than he does with Zayn's.

"I'm going to sing 1985 by Bowling For Soup." Louis says.

"That song is a classic. Everyone loves it." I say trying to sound more enthusiastic than Zayn. But when I look up I see Louis staring at Zayn who is just nodding. Good thing the bell rings. I couldn't stand that much longer.

We all surprisingly have history class together. We get up and walk to history.

When we enter the class me Louis Zayn and Niall get seats in the back of the room. The teacher, Mrs.Trimble , was already there.

remember i love you alwaysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora