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AIMERY PACED AROUND THE ROOM with his arms folded behind his back. His thaumaturge attire was recently pressed and it emitted such a strong smell of cleanliness that Levana could smell it from her spot on the throne.

She sat with her legs crossed as she leant on the left armrest of the large velveted seat. Her head was resting in her propped up hand as she watched Thaumaturge Aimery with boredom and amusement, similar to a cat watching the same mouse everyday. She clicked her tongue. "Aimery, please, hold yourself still. Have some self control, you're pathetic."

He did as he was asked, without Levana having go manipulate him into doing it. Which was one of the many reasons she had always seen Aimery as a head thaumaturge backup. His loyalty to her was almost too much to believe. He cleared his throat and looked up at her with emotionless eyes, the way a thaumaturge's eyes should always be. "Yes, Your Majesty. Of course. Please, forgive me."

Levana rolled her eyes and uncrossed her legs, crossing them back the other way instead. "Just continue with what you were saying, Thaumaturge Aimery. I don't have all day. In case you haven't noticed, I have a... planet... to bring under my rule."

Aimery frowned, straightening his high ranking collar. "You really mustn't fret too much about that, Your Majesty." He gave her a strange grin. "You already have the Earth in the palm your hand."

Levana raised a brow as she sat up straight, challenging him to continue. "Oh?"

He didn't get the message. "Yes, Your Majesty. I really do believe you are stressing too much. If you just gave your hand a squeeze, the Earth would be yours. Really, I mean it. And, besides, you seem afraid of what Selene will do. What can a sixteen year old fugitive cyborg pos--."

Levana glared, squinting her eyes as she did so. "Please just stop talking," she hissed in a bored tone. Aimery swallowed nervously, and she enjoyed watching him feel afraid. She gave a sweet smile, even as the anger boiled through her veins. She stood from the throne and set a hand on each armrest behind her. Her heels clacked against the stone steps as she made her way in front of Aimery, stopping just inches from him.

She released his bioelectric waves and crossed her arms in front of her, under the veil of the day. "Yes, Your Majesty. Forgive me," he mumbled, looking down.

"You will speak clearly when addressing your queen and not look down. It is a sign of disrespect." He looked up and opened his mouth, but she continued. "I'll let it slide, only because you are... somewhat new, to this high rank you have acquired. Now, who ever said Selene was a sixteen year old cyborg fugitive."

He gave her a confused grin and a look that could only be implying he thought she was stupid. "Your Majesty...," he started, "Linh Cinder is--."

She held up a hand. "Let me restate this, Thaumaturge Aimery. Who ever said the stupid theory that Linh Cinder was Selene, my beloved niece?" She almost gagged at what she was calling her. "She is dead."

Aimery frowned. "Everybody on the street has been saying that Linh Cinder is--."

"And you believe them?"

He swallowed again, and Levana glared, waiting for his response, already thinking of ways to punish his betrayal. "No... Your Majesty," he stated, standing a bit straighter.

"I thought so." She spun on her heel and walked towards the doors that lead out of the throne room. "Come, Aimery." Footsteps followed and by the time they were in the hallway, he was walking to her right, a few inches behind. She placed a fingernail to her chin. "Aimery, tell whoever is in charge of surveillance to meet me in the security room."

"Yes, my queen." He lifted his hand and pressed a finger to his ear, speaking to the head of security.

She stopped at the door and waited for the guard standing by it to open it for her and bow. Once he did, she stepped inside, Aimery close behind. Everyone in the room, which was filled with netscreens showing the palace's surveillance feed and blinking lights, stopped what they were doing and bowed in greeting and respect. She nodded, and they stood, going back to their work. A man walked up to her and lifted her hand to his  lips, planting a kiss to her knuckles. "My queen, what a lovely and most pleasant surprise. What brings you here, if I may know?"

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