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WOLF KNEELED BESIDE SCARLET, and turned her body so she was lying on her back, facing him. He brushed a few strands of hair away and lifted her head, caressing her freckled cheek with the back of his hand. "Hey, Scar," he whispered gently. "I'm here. I will protect you now. I-- I'm never loosing you again." Her eyes remained closed for a few more minutes and Wolf frowned. "Scar?" Nothing. "Scarlet, you're scaring me. Wake up."

"Oh, she's fine," a voice said from the doorway, and Wolf turned his head. He swallowed slowly and turned to him.

"Father, I--."

"We will talk later." And then he left.

Wolf's eyes went to Cress, who looked down, but turned to Wolf. "Is your whole family this... quiet? And-- and confusing?" she asked timidly.

He looked down with a frown. "No." He looked back up with a shrug and gave a triumphant grin, which he knew was scaring her by the way she took a small step back. He cleared his throat and looked down, continuing, "Then again, one of them is dead." He paused and looked back up with a small shrug. "I killed him."

Wolf turned back to Scarlet, who was still asleep, looking so peaceful. He sighed and stood up, crossing his arms. He nodded his head in the direction of the hallway, motioning for Cress to exit. He followed behind, telling himself he'd come back later, to check if she was awake then.

Before leaving though, he placed a hand on the door frame and paused, his head turning towards the room again. Scarlet shifted her position, and Wolf watched as her eyes fluttered open. She blinked twice and then frowned. An alarmed expression etched upon her face and she sat up, wildly looking around.

Her eyes fell on Wolf, and she brought a dirty hand to her mouth in shock. "Wolf...," she breathed out, her hand shaking as she started to scramble upright.

Wolf gave his head a shake and then ran back into he room, pulling her onto her feet and embracing her in his arms, lifting her from the ground and spinning her around. Her arms were tied tightly around his neck and he could feel the dampness of her eyes against his neck. "Stars, Scarlet..."

Wolf set her down and his hands remained on each of her arms, wrapped around them tightly. He gazed into her big brown eyes and didn't waste any more time before he slammed his lips against hers, pouring every ounce of emotion into the kiss. Her hands rested on his chest and Wolf pulled her closer. He knew Cress was probably watching uncomfortably from the door, or not watching, probably. But he couldn't bring himself to pull away.

He had to though. They had a certain amount of time. They had to go. Besides, he'd surely be together with Scarlet after the revolution was over. Stars. He'd only known her for about a month and a half and he was already thinking of a future with her.

But maybe that was just what love did; made you think of outrageous things. Because at the moment, Wolf was thinking of many outrageous thoughts.

He pulled away, cupping Scarlet's face in his large hands. She looked so vulnerable, and it scared him. She was broken. A month in a cage had broken her.

Of course it would, Wolf. What did you expect? For her to be all sunshine and rainbows after all of that?

"Did they hurt you?" Wolf asked, frantically inspecting her for any injuries.

She pulled away uncomfortably, looking down and fidgeting with her hands. "No," she mumbled.

Wolf's eyes followed the movement and he realized she was hiding something. Her hand, most likely. Wolf snatched her wrist and his eyes widened. Her pinky. He growled, staring at what was left of it.

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