I couldn't even speak so I nodded. The moment I heard my babies heart beat, that bound between a mother and her child was built instantly. I already love this child so much and she not even here. Notice I said she, let's cross our fingers.

"Do you want pictures?"

I told her yes.

"Ok well your due date in June 25th. I will prescribe some prenatal vitamins for you. I also would like to see more weight gain. Your 3 months and you only gained 9 pounds. I'll want to see you in a month and I want for you to have gained at least 5 more pounds. I don't want you to go eating fast foods though. Eat healthy."

I can't even contain the smile on my face. Like this is crazy. I never thought I would be having another kid so soon. I have to tell Michael soon. Though I'm still upset with him. Why would you tell me your to busy for me and your child.
I get to Jades house to pick Riley. Jade and I are close. We met my last year in college. She was a struggling single mom and needed a friend. So I just kinda stepped in, she doesn't have family because they disowned her for having her son. It was nice for me to have a friend though. I don't trust to many people, with being in foster care and at the dance club females and I just don't get along. Being here in Georgia alone it's refreshing to just have some to talk to.

"Hey jade."

"Hey girl. How did it go?"

I told jade I had a doctors appointment but did tell what for. Even though we are some what of friends I still haven't told her I'm married. I learned that people will do anything for money, so as a precaution I don't tell my business.

"It went good, nothing is wrong. How did Riley act?"

"Girl you know my boo thang was nothing but good. You know him and Kai are like two peas in a pod."

"Girl who you telling they always together at daycare."

"Well I have to get going."

"Alright Riley is upstairs sleep. I'll get his jacket for you."

"Thank you."

I walked upstairs to Kai's room. I seen my little munchkin knocked out. It's only 12:00 why he so tiered.

"Come on pumpkin munchkins. Wake up."

"No mommy I no want to wake up."

We go through this every time it's time to wake up.

"Riley Giovanni Wilson get up right now!"

"Ok mommy dang you no need to yell at me!"

"Who talking to?"


"That's what I thought."

I swear he think he grown.

"Come in and let's get your jacket. Where is your tablet?"

"Right here mommy."

"Come on baby."

5:30 pm

I was in the kitchen cooking diner when I decided to turn on the my show E! News. If you ever want some gossip this is the place to go. Trust and believe.

" It looks like the famous CEO Michael Angelo Giovanni is off the market. Here are pictures taken yesterday of Michael having diner with fashion model Aria Bianchi. From the pictures he's a bit on the touchy-feely side. His hand is on her thighs and arms. People that were at the restaurant say that the two were very friendly with each other. Both are from Italy, so hopefully we will have a big Italian wedding day coming soon."

"Oh HELL naw."

What in the is going on. I'm not going to lie I do feel a bit of jealousy towards this women. She's gorgeous. I don't mind Michael having female friends but why the hell they have to be so damn close and touching each other. That shit is not gonna work.

"Hello Tanaé . What wrong?"

"Well let's see, my husband is in New York feeling up on some women. Who is she?"

"Calm down. She's just a friend that I knew in Italy. We ran into each other and we decided to have diner to catch up."

"Why the hell you need to touch her thighs and shit. That's more than just a friend level. Don't try and play me. Is that why you need to be in New York for an extended period of time? So you can have your intimate dinners with women?"

"Tanaé calm down. You know that I'm not a cheater. It was just to catch up."

"Why you whispering? Is she right there and you don't want her to know your married. If y'all such close friends why can't she know that your a married man?"

"Tanaé cut the crap. I'm in a conference room and I would like for people to not know that I'm having a conversation with my insecure wife."

"Whatever Michael. You have fun with your dinners. I'll just go find someone that wants to take me out on dinner dates."

"Tanaé, watch it. Your on thin ice."

"Who are you to tell me I'm on thin ice. If that's the case then you have already drowned. First you tell me that Riley and I are wasting your time now your being Mr. Macho man having dinner dates with women and feeling up all on them."

"Whatever the meeting is about to start. I will be back no later than Wednesday."

He hung up before I got to say anything else. I'm really in my feeling about this. Maybe I'm tripping, then again maybe I'm not.

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