( ●◡○)✄ Chapter 31: Tension and Decision

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Accidentally pushing the door way too hard as I made my way out, I felt a force along with a loud 'thud' from the other side of the door. "Shit!" cursed by someone in a low tone as I realized I just hit a person who happened to be passing by. I immediately apologized, coming up to the stranger's side to help him up. But then, my eyes widen when I recognized who it was.

"Ehhhhh! Cloud-san?!"


"Here," handing him a cold can of soft drink as compensation, I watched him place it lightly on the growing bump on his forehead. "I'm so sorry, Cloud-san," I repeated, still feeling guilty as I took a sit beside him on the bench at the courtyard.

"I told you, it's alright, Aihana-san," he grinned. "Besides, the bruise is covered by my hair so there's nothing to worry," he comforted me with his words.

I let out a small smile before telling him, "But you should get that checked at the nurse's office later, okay?" in which I received a nod from him.

There was a pause for a moment and only the rustling of the leave could be heard as the wind blew. "So..." the blue-eyed male beside me spoke up later, "how've you been?" He tried to start another conversation for the last one ended. I didn't take a minute long to give a short reply of, "Fine, I guess," with a slight shrug. With a hum as his only response, our conversation ended once again.

Ever since the end of our second semester, Cloud and I didn't really get to interact that much except if the situation required us to do so. It wasn't like we were avoiding each other on purpose. No. But of course, it couldn't be denied that since the confession at the cultural festival, we kind of drifted apart. As if an imaginary wall stood between us now.

Cloud release a frustrated sighed a minute after. "This is awkward," he mumbled under his breath. I bit the inside of my lower lips before agreeing to what he said, "Yeah, it is... sorry."

I sensed Cloud's inquiring gaze on me, and before he could continue to ask why, "For rejecting you, I mean," I confessed with a small smile, "It's my fault we ended up being this way. It sucks really, bu—"

"No," Cloud interjected, making me blink out of surprise before glancing at him. "If that's the reason, then you're really not the one to blame. I should be the one apologizing," he told with a hint of a smile as he returned my gaze, "But even so, I won't since I don't really regret confessing to you at all. I was serious back then and I still am, about my feelings. So you shouldn't apologize."

It took less than a second for blood to rush to my cheeks at his words. Averting my gaze from him to the ground out of embarrassment, I tried to ignore the fact I was blushing by mumbling an "Okay," as a response. Detecting my slight uneasiness, Cloud tried to change the atmosphere by asking, "Anyways... any plans after graduation?" he inquired as he opened the can of soda to take a drink.

"Apply for a college scholarship I guess, since my parents have been nagging me about it. But, I'm not really sure yet," I admitted, eying him afterwards as I asked, "what about you?"

He gave a short nod at me as he thought of his answer, "Same with you. My old pops wants me back in the States to study business though," he shrugged, "since you know what." He sent me a knowing glance before giving a small smile.

"Parents being parents..." I concluded with a wry smile. Silence took over in less than a minute afterwards, but fortunately it wasn't the same awkward as the previous one.

It was then when I realized how much I've missed the company of the guy sitting next to me. With all of the things that happened, it was nice to be with him like this while taking a break under the fine weather.

The Red Emperor and I [Akashi Seijuro FanFiction]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang