Chapter 10

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April Good's POV:
"Dean,ever since you've found out about my cancer and everything, I really want to start trying for a kid." I explain. "Okay, let's go." He grabs my hand,leading towards our bedroom.
"No, not yet! We have to go to the airport because we're flying to Hawaii today for our honeymoon.." I giggle.

"Oh yeah, I knew that." Dean shrugged. We packed our bags and took an über to the airport. We sat around till our flight got called. We boarded and both fell asleep the whole flight.
Once again we took an über to the hotel and the view was so pretty. Dean grabbed our bags and i checked us in. We went up to our room and Dean set our stuff down.

I grabbed Dean by his sweatshirt and connected my lips to his. Dean pushed me on the bed and from there it was a heated blur..

I woke up cuddled up next to Dean. I kissed his lips and he woke up. "Hey, I was thinking we could go to the beach." I suggested. He agreed and we got all ready for the beach. It was only a few blocks away so we just walked.
I took off my shorts and tanktop to reveal my black bikini. "Damnnnn." Dean whistled,pulling me close to him. I smirked, and ran in the water. Dean followed,and we swam around for a while.

All of a sudden my stomach felt a little off, so I sat down in the sand and laid down next to Dean. "Are you okay, Shortstack?" Dean rubbed my lower back.
"Uh oh." I quickly stood up, trying to find a garbage or something,but it was too late. I threw up, and Dean held my hair back. "Here,let's go back to the hotel." Dean picked me up and our bags, then headed back to the hotel.

He laid me down on our bed and pulled me close to him. I laid my head on his chest and fell asleep listening to his steady heartbeat.
-2 weeks later-
Dean and I were finally returning to the WWE tonight on RAW. I couldn't wait to see who I was facing. I watched the Divas Revolution and I know the Divas Divison just got 10x better.
Dean and I parted ways,as I was heading into the Divas Locker Room. I opened the door and was tackled into a hug by Paige.
"YOUR BACK!" She squealed, ruffling my hair. I laughed, standing back up.

"I know! I'm ready to kick some booty." I reply, setting my bags down. I notice Team B.A.D on one side, and Team Bella on the other.
Just as Paige and I were catching up, Stephanie barged into the locker room and walked up to me. "Welcome Back April. Tonight, you'll be facing Sasha Banks for the Divas Championship." I nodded and looked over at Team B.A.D. Sasha sent me a dirty look and I rolled my eyes.

Paige and I hooked arms and headed to catering since I was starving. We both piled food onto our plates and sat down at a table. "So what team are you on?" Paige raised an eyebrow.
"Team AJ." I answer, half joking. "Why?"
"Because I feel as if I don't need to be on a team, I'm better as a lone wolf type of girl." I shrug. We finish eating and head back to the locker room. Paige heads over to Becky and Charlotte, and I scroll through my phone.
@WWEAJLee: I'll have to check out this whole Diva Revolution thing tonight. #RAW.
Everybody over Twitter started freaking out.
RAW started and I watched the beginning of it till my match was next. I changed into one of my cut shirts, Jean shorts and converse. I hugged my championship, it's been a while. I hooked it around my waist and skipped to the curtain. I did some stretches while I waited to be called out.

Team B.A.D. went out first, but not before shooting me glares. I ignored them. My theme song played and the crowd was all riled up. I skipped out and raised my title in the air as I entered the ring. I gave it a quick kiss and handed it to the ref, as the bell rang.
Sasha tackled me to the ground, and gave me a few good punches. I got up and locked in the sleeper hold. She went to her knees, and I got off her, giving her a slap to the face. The crowd laughed,as I quickly gained control.

It was coming towards the end of the match as I super kicked Sasha. It was kinda back and forth, but in the end, I locked in the Black Widow and Sasha tapped. I grabbed my title and felt my stomach gurgle,almost. I quickly went backstage and found the nearest bathroom. Once again, I threw up. I sighed. This has been happening a lot lately.
I went back to the Divas Locker Room and Paige congratulated me. I thanked her and Team Bella walked up to me.
"Enjoy your time being champion, because you won't have that title for long." I rolled my eyes, pushing past them.
"Good job, AJ." Becky smiled. "Thanks, B." I gave her a nickname. Charlotte also congratulated me, and I thanked her. I changed into skinny jeans, one of Dean's sweatshirts, and put my glasses on. I grabbed my bags and title.

I went to Dean's locker room, and saw him preparing for his match. "Hey shortstack." He noticed me coming in. "Hey Dean, I'm feeling like poop, again. Ugh my stomachs been hurting for a few weeks now." I lay on the couch.
"You should take a pregnancy test." He suggested.
"You know what? That sounds like a good idea. I will." I agree. "And whatever the outcome is, I'll support you a 110%." He gives me a quick kiss and leaves for his match.

I take a quick nap while waiting for Dean, then he shakes me awake gently. "Shortstack RAW's over." He said. I nodded and grabbed my bags. "Oh no, I got them. You just take it easy." Dean insisted. I followed him out to the car and he drove to the drug store. I walked in and picked up a test. I paid for it then headed back out to Dean.
He drove to the hotel and we both walked inside with our bags. "Okay, I'll wait out here." Dean tells me. I go into the bathroom and complete the test.
The wait was super long, most likely because I was anxious to see the results. I looked down and blinked a few times, trying to see if what I was seeing was true. I opened the door and showed Dean the test. He grabbed me and spun me around.
"We're gonna be parents!" He kissed me. "I'll make a doctors appointment to see if it's correct or not. Sometimes these aren't always true." I grab the phone and schedule a appointment for tomorrow...

"You ready?" I ask Dean as we walk into the doctors. He squeezes my hand, and we check ourselves in.
We got called in, and follow the doctor to the room. Let's just hope and pray that I am pregnant.
-Hours Later-
"Yes mom im so excited!" I smile through the phone. "I know, Deans gonna be a great dad."
Turns out, I am pregnant. It's to early to determine the gender, but we're both so thrilled that we're gonna be parents. I just hope my cancer doesn't effect it in any way.

I already called Kaitlyn,Seth, Roman and Hunter and Steph. Next week on RAW im gonna be making my farewell speech. Which means I'll be giving up my title. But,I've held the Divas Championship for over a year. That's a record for sure. (Yes, I know that AJ's only held it for 295, but this is my story,sooo..)
   I just wonder how the fans will react. But hopefully they'll support me either way. It's a new chapter of our lives. And I can't wait to start it with the man I love, Dean Ambrose.

[not the longest chapter,but I just wanted to update for you guys. And I kinda skipped a few months, so yeah..and yes,I made AJ pregnant because,why not?!?😂thanks soo much for reading, and this is really late, but RIP rowdy roddy piper,you'll be missed.]

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