Chapter 4

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Dean Ambrose's POV;
Shortstack and I posed for pictures all day, then we picked out one of the best ones, which was me standing behind shortstack, smirking and she was looking all innocent and stuff.
After, we called Roman to see if he wanted to hang out. He said he was watching JoJo, but Shortstack really wanted to meet her, so Roman agreed to meet up with us.
We met up at Starbucks since shortstack wanted coffee. JoJo saw us and ran up to me. I gave her a hug and ruffled her hair.
She smiled and noticed April, and to our surprise, jumped on her lap and engulfed her in a hug.
"Ooh, hi there! You must be the famous JoJo!" She smiles. "Yep! And you must be the crazy one!" She whispers on the word crazy.
April looked up at Roman, "I like this one already!"
Roman just smirked and raised an eyebrow at me. "What?" I question.
"Seems like somebody is great with kids." Roman nodded towards April, who was having a conversation with JoJo, who was watching her in awe.
"Yeah..but were not even married yet, and we're both in the highlights of our careers." I informed him, looking at April.

He just nodded, and we talked some more till he left with JoJo since she was tired.
"That kid is too cute!" April gushed as we got in the car. "I know right." I agreed, and drove to the hotel.
"I can't wait till I'm a mother." April sighed.
I looked at her and just shook my head, smiling.

AJ Lee's POV;
I'm currently spending my Thursday Night at Full Sail University, at NXT. I decided to pay a little visit, and to possibly have a quick title match against someone.
I changed into a cut Love Bites long sleeve, grey shorts, and knee converse. I slipped on my bracelets and wristbands. I grabbed my baby and hooked it around my waist.
I skipped to the curtain area and did some stretches. I picked up a mic, as my theme song played. The crowd cheered, and I smiled as I skipped into the ring.
"Surprise Surprise! I decided to pay a little visit to my favorite NXT rookies! And possibly have a quick title match to any of the Divas who want to have an opportunity..or think that they deserve a shot at this! So ladies, anybody up for a challenge?" I smirk into the mic.
"Look who it is! AJ never expected to see you. But while your here, I might as well make an example out of you too." Sasha Banks walked down the ramp with the NXT Women's Championship wrapped around her waist.

She climbed in the ring, and I pounced on her, hitting her with my championship. The ref pulled me back and helped Sasha up. I kissed my baby gently and reluctantly handed her over to the ref's hands.
The bell rang, and I tackled Sasha to the mat, and I got off, making sure she stayed down.

I climbed the top rope, and as soon as Sasha got up, i delivered a cross body. I did some neck breakers to her, then decided to end this thing once and for all.
I locked in the black widow, and she tapped immediately. I pushed her out of the ring as I grabbed a mic.
"You really made an example, Sasha. You proved that I am just the better woman, champion and wrestler than you will ever be." I rolled out of the ring and skipped backstage, clutching my title.

"Awesome match AJ! I hope we can be tag team partners sometime!" Bayley gave me a huge hug. "Yeah sure! Whenever my schedules free, I'll come down and we can." I nodded, and then pried her arms off me.
She apologized, then walked off to find someone else to hug.

I skipped to the Divas Locker Room and grabbed my phone to call Dean.
D: hey shortstack! Good job on your match by the way!
A: thanks babe! You watched NXT? Wow.
D: only for you know how much I hate that show.
A: I'm gonna go pack and stuff, I'll see you tomorrow in Tampa?
D: yes you will! Bye Shortstack!

I set my baby down and packed my suitcase. I changed into black leggings and one of Dean's shirts I secretly took.
After I packed my bags, I walked out to the parking lot where all the fans were.
I set my suitcases in the car and went up to the fate that was separating them.
"Hey guys! Did you guys like the show?!?" I ask while I'm signing a bunch of photos and posters.
"Yes! My favorite part was when you came out and beat Sasha!" A little girl with an AJ shirt exclaimed.
"Aw, thank you! Here lets get a picture!"
Her mom takes a quick picture of us, then I kneel down so we're eye to eye.
"What's your name, cutie?"
"I'm Bella!" She gives me a little smile. "Well Bella, your very beautiful! And thank you for coming out to the show!" I hug her as best as I can with the gate, then say bye to all the fans.

I drive to the airport and my flight doesn't leave till a few hours, so I grab some Starbucks and chill out.
I'm bored so I figured I'd call Kaitlyn since I haven't talked to her in a few days.
K: apes!! I missed youuu!
A: me too KaityPoo! I was at NXT tonight, to face Sasha for my title.
K: how'd that go?
A: I won..obviously! But we have to get together sometime before Extreme Rules this Sunday!
K: yeah! Speaking of Extreme Rules, Seth is gonna be flying me out there.
A: that's great! At least fly while you still can. I can't wait to see ya Kaity!
K: same apes! I gotta go, seth wants to FaceTime! I'll see ya Sunday!
A: ok bye KaityPoo!

I hang up the phone in excitement. Sunday cannot come faster.
Eventually I board the plane and fly back to Tampa. We have the day off to prepare for Extreme Rules which is in a few days.
Dean was flying to Tampa and was gonna meet me at my apartment.
I let Nacho out, and immediately mentally thank my neighbors for watching him.
I unpack my things, and hear Nacho barking and growling at the door.
"Nacho, relax bud." I hold him back and open the door to see Dean.
"Babe! I missed you so much!" I set Nacho down and give Dean a big kiss.
"Same shortstack! Hey Nacho!" He pets Nacho gently before wrapping his arms around my small waist.
"Excited for Extreme Rules?" I say while Dean pulls me into his lap.
"Let's just say..things are gonna be..Extreme."

[so sorry about the late update, I just didn't know what to write about! Next chapter will be Extreme Rules👌tomorrow night I'm going to RAW, so I can't wait😬make sure to check out my new book I published yesterday, and comment your predictions! Thank youu]

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