Chapter 9

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AJ Lee's POV;
My eyes fluttered open, as I let out a yawn. I looked to my left and saw a passed out Dean laying on the couch. On my right, sat Kaitlyn, who was scrolling through her phone.
"Hey, KaityPoo." I rasp, and she looks up. "Apes! God, I'm so glad your okay!" She sighs, giving me a hug. I chuckle and watch as Kaitlyn runs to go get the nurse. I look at Dean who's just waking up. He yawns, and rubs his eyes. "Shortstack!" He yells, wrapping his arms around me. His arms go right to my waist, and he nuzzles his head into my neck.

"I missed you so much, and I'm so glad your okay." He whispered. "Your acting like I died." I giggled. "Almost felt like it. Not seeing your cute little giggle on your face, or that little glare you always give me when your mad." He explained. "Wait, how long have I been asleep?" I question.
"Like 2 days, we're waiting for the results now." Dean replied.

"R-r-results? Like, about what?" I nervously chuckle.
"Like what triggered the accident, stuff like that." Dean answered. Crap. I gave him a small smile, and almost crapped myself when the nurse walked in with Kaitlyn.

"Okay, Miss Mendez, now we're going to talk about the cause and what we found about the accident." The nurse told me, looking through papers. "O-o-okay." I stutter.
"Okay, so the last time you've had medical treatment was a few months ago, and that's surprising, considering of your brain cancer-"
"WHAT?!? BRAIN CANCER?!" Dean shot out of his chair, sending me daggers.
"Yes, April has a form of brain cancer, and unfortunately, we can't do anything to stop it. We've tried as much as we could, but we can't seem to find a cure." The doctor looked at Dean, who's face was red, and there was a few tears running down his cheek.

"H-h-how long does she have l-left?" Dean choked. "Umm, hard to tell. But April has been fighting cancer for almost 6 years. So, she's truly a fighter." The nurse sent a smile towards me. She left, and Kaitlyn sensed the tension, so she left right after the nurse.
"When were you gonna tell me? Or were you just gonna wait till you die, and leave me wondering, why would you keep this from me?!" Dean stood up, pacing back and forth.
"I tried! But it's harder than what it seems. You're never been a victim of cancer, you don't know what runs through their mind, their thoughts, all the pain they suffer. It's horrible, and I hate when people feel sorry for me, like they have to pity me." I shake my head.

Dean stays quiet. It's silent for about 10 minutes, then he grabs my hand. "We're gonna get through this, together. I promise, shortstack." He kisses my forehead.
I love him.
-Weeks Later, Night before Wedding-
"So, I can't believe tomorrow your gonna become Mrs. Good, or Ambrose." Kaitlyn takes a bite out of her pizza.
Since we're complete nerds, were having an all nighter in our hotel room, eating pizza and playing video games.
"Crazy, right?" I chuckle, just thinking of everything we've been through.
"I know, I just can't wait till my baby is here, so then- AHHHHHH!" Kaitlyn grasps her stomach. "Oh my god! Kaitlyn what's wrong?!" I jump up.
"M-my WATER BROKE!" She wailed. My mouth hung open in shock.
I whip out my phone and dial Seth's number.
S: hey shortie!
A: don't call me that, and hey, Kaitlyn's water broke.
S: WHAT?!?
A: yes, we're waiting for you now,
S: I'll be right there.
I hung up and sat next to Kaitlyn. Seth arrived in a few minutes, carrying Kaitlyn's bags, and baby essentials.

I managed to grab a wheelchair that Seth pushed Kaitlyn in. It must've been a crazy sight to people, because, well a woman in labor was in a wheelchair, yelling out curse words, her over protective boy was pushing her, and I was behind them, stumbling with all the bags.
After nearly getting in an accident, I stopped infront of the hospital, and watched as Seth carried Kaitlyn inside.

-Hours Later-
"She's so adorable, you two will be amazing parents!" I gushed as I watched Kaitlyn and Seth cry over their new baby girl, Charlotte Grace Lopez.
"I'm gonna go call Dean, I'll be up as soon as I can." I hugged all of them, and made sure to kiss my new god daughter.
I sat down in the hallway and dialed Dean's number.
D: hey shortstack, how're you babe?
A: good, just up at the hospital-
A: you didn't let me finish, hun. Kaitlyn's water broke, and she just gave birth to a little baby girl, Charlotte Grace Lopez.
D: oh..that's amazing! Tell them congrats.
A: and seeing all of it, it's making me have serious baby fever..
D: good, because after we get married, we can become parents, Shortstack.
A: good, I'm leaving now, so I'll see you soon. I love you.
D: love you more.
I hung up and smiled, that's amazing that Dean wants kids too! Ah, he's gonna be an amazing father. I know it.

I arrived back at the hotel shortly after, and started packing along with Dean, as we had a flight to Puerto Rico tonight.
I'm so nervous and excited about tomorrow, and I can't wait! It's gonna be a bummer that Kaitlyn won't be there.

During the flight, I wrote my vows, making sure Dean was asleep the whole time. It was a long flight, but we finally made it to Puerto Rico. My mom was waiting for us at the airport, and kept gushing over the fact that I'm getting married tomorrow.
She drove us to her condo, and gave us some time to unpack and settle in.
"Shortstack, I'm gonna be staying at a hotel with Roman, because there's some last minute preparations I have to handle." He explains.
"You have to get your tux, huh?" I guessed, and he nodded.
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow, babe. Love you." I kissed him as he walked out the door.
"Mom, you look beautiful." I smile at my mother, who was wearing a dark, champagne colored dress.
"Same to you, my dear." She kissed my forehead.
I looked in the mirror, and had to admit, I looked pretty good.
I was wearing a laced, white, strapless dress, with my black chucks. I wish Kaitlyn was here, but I called her earlier and she wished she could be here.
Nacho was wearing a black little bow that was attached to his collar. On his back was the pillow thingy that held our rings.

"The ceremony is starting." My mom called. I followed her out to the doors and watched as my mom walked out with Roman.
I held Nacho's leash and waited for the music to play before I skipped out. (Sorry, had to add that in there). And no, my father wasn't invited, he left my mom and I when I was little.

Roman took Nacho away as Dean and I took each other's hands.
"Today, we are here to celebrate the-"
"Okay bud, hurry it up, I just wanna marry my shortstack." Dean complained, making everybody laugh.
I giggled as Dean cleared his throat to start his vows.
"Shortstack, where do I begin? Well let's see, we first met when I saw you sitting on a curb, deep in thought. Being me, I wanted to make sure you were okay. And I'm glad I did. Because if I didn't, I wouldn't be standing infront of the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes on.
You've taught me to see the good in life, when I only experienced the bad when I was growing up. And yes, the nickname..I got that I think when we went to the Waffle House, don't ask." Everybody chuckled.
"But I'm not gonna drag this all out, because the only thing I have to say is I love you to infinity and beyond, and as long as your with me, you'll always be safe. I love you, shortstack, and if I misbehave, I give you permission to put me in the black widow.." Dean joked.

"Dean..we've been through so much. When we first met, that was our only encounter, which is kinda crazy considering we work for the same company. But I didn't think much of you, until we started hanging out more..and I got to see the real you..
Before we met, I thought I was the only 'crazy chick', but now there's two! I love you with all of my heart, if there is one..and I know I haven't been the greatest fiancé lately, with all the hospital things and stuff, but I'm glad you can forgive me, because it's quite clear that your my drug and im addicted to you. I need you to survive, without you, I'm empty and broken." A few tears run down my cheeks, but I quickly wipe them away.
We exchange rings, then the priest announced it was time for our kiss.
Dean pulled me into him by my waist, and gave me the most passionate kiss, woah.

As we walked out, I jumped on Dean's back because, well this wasn't a traditional wedding, so..
Roman was stuck with Nacho, and that was pretty funny seeing a big guy like him handle a small, little dog.
Then it was time for the party..considering I invited Brie, the camera crew for Total Divas were following her around, so I'm pretty sure when she passed me, the camera caught a glimpse of me.
Dean and I danced, talked, laughed, stuffed ourselves at the buffet, and had a good time.
It was around 5 am when the last of the people left. Dean, Roman, Nacho and I headed off to where were staying the night. Me and Nacho went to my moms condo.
Dean and Roman went to the hotel, and Dean was picking me up in the morning for our honeymoon.
I can't believe that I'm April Jeanette Good. Mrs.Good.

[so there officially married, ahhhh!! But don't worry, there's drama coming soon😏. Elimination chamber was, alright. I was hoping paige or naomi was gonna win, but whatever😂. As for the main event, I'm glad that seth is still champ, bc its seth and I love him❤️. Although Dean has the championship😁. And sorry if there's any mistakes on the wedding in here, i just really wanted to get this up👌, make sure to vote and comment, please!]

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