Then I bought some rice cakes and jjangmyeon in case I am hungry when I went home.

I entered the soho with a smile plastered on my face. I am really happy that I got a chance to do things I really wanted to Korea.

When I entered the soho I heard someone shout

"Why is the room messy!??"

Wait this sound is a quite familiar. Then I saw a figure going down the stairs

"Xiu Min Oppa???"

"Se Na?"

We both looked each other in shock. Why is he here? But I am more confused in how come can he enter.

I saw him going downstairs and walking towards me.

"Oppa why are you h-here" I said while shuttering I am not scared. Why would I? I am just shocked

"Well this is my soho"


"Se Na maybe?"

"Maybe what oppa?"

"Nothing, who gave you the code to enter?"

"T-Tina U-un-nnie" I shutter again. I really need to stop shuttering.

"I'll just talk to my parents first okay"

Then he went outside the soho. Seriously what just happen. I sat down the sofa and ate my jjangmyeon.

Well I am quite stressed okay and food is my escape. Just then Xiu Min Oppa came inside.

"Mian my parents forgot to tell me that they sold this soho"

"Its okay oppa"

Then he sat beside me.

"Anyways are you okay?"

"I am fine"

"Don't lie to me you like Baekhyun right?"

"I don't know"

"Well let me tell you something than, if you fell butterflies, when you fell your heart beating fast, and it seems that whenever you see him you start smiling and shuttering. You usually like that guy"

"You seem experienced oppa"

"The older you are the more experience you have right"

"Please come back fast Se Na we are really worried"

"Ne oppas I just need a break"

"Keure I am going back"

"Bye oppa"


When he went out I started thinking. Maybe he is right. I should really test if I really like Bekhyun.

Ohh well but now all I need is a break from all everything.

>>>>>The next day

I wake up feeling all weak. Arg what did I think about last night. Oh right Baekhyun.

Jeez that guy make me feel weak. I took a towel which I found the bathroom and take a bath.

Lucky there is some amenities here or not I would be in trouble.

I decided to shop today since that I don't have any clothes. I walked around and luckily there are some shops around.

I entered and saw some really pretty T-shirt. I found one with a DOPE in the middle I definitely have to have this. I continue to look until I saw a figure.

Two figure actually and oddly they seem familiar. I peeked and there I saw it.

Baekhyun and Minji

Baekhyun had his arms around Minji. They seem....

I didn't realized but I feel sad seeing this. I went to the cashier to pay for my things and just as I was about to exit the store. Baekhyun and Minji clearly saw me.

They looked at me and I went to the exit and from outside I saw them just shrugging it off like they didn't see a thing



Tears started to fall from my eyes without me realizing and I was still there in front of the stores.

I wiped my tears away after realizing them on my cheeks and I ran to no where.

I found a park and sat on the bench letting my tears out.

There I realized I am already starting to like Baekhyun.

Hey guys
Sorry for not updating
School is stressing me out
I'll try to update more often
I hope this chapter is not boring


New Life [EXO Fan Fiction] | CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin