Chapter 1

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The annoying beeps only stopped when I finally turned my alarm off.

Oh well. Don't want to be late for school.

The mouth-watering smell of pancakes that reached my senses made me rush to the kitchen immediately.

"Morning, mom." I greeted, kissing her cheek.

"Morning, sweetheart." She replied while finishing the pancakes.

"Matt told me earlier that he won't be walking to school with you today." Mom informed me.

"Okay." I shrugged, munching on the delicious pancakes.

I wonder what happened.

I am Amelia Grey. 16 years of age. A normal school girl having a popular guy as my best friend. Weird isn't it? We have known each other 4 years ago when we moved here, to a small town named Hudson.

4 years ago

"We're here!" Mom exclaimed excitedly.


She was the only one excited to move away from the city we lived in. I missed the city already. It's not that I want to live like a spoiled city girl, I'm just not that social. I'm afraid no one in this small town would ever think about having me as their friend.

Ha. They wouldn't even know I exist. At least in the city, I had some friends. I don't know if anyone in this town will approach me.

We were finally settled in our new home. It was just a simple house but I kind of liked it. I had a bedroom with pastel lavender walls, white and violet sheets and pillows spread on my bed, a window big enough to let a decent amount of sunlight in and even my own bathroom.

Ding. Dong.

A neighbor's gonna greet us, I guess.

"Amelia! Could you get the door, please? I'm kind of busy cooking dinner." Mom called out.

"Okay." I call back, already by the door.

As I opened the door, I saw that it was also a kid looking like my age.

"Hello. You must be our new neighbor. Matthew Brooks." He introduced himself warmly with a smile, sticking out his hand. I took it and replied "Amelia Grey." As an introduction to myself.

"My mom made these brownies as a welcoming gift for our new neighbor." He said in a welcoming tone.

"Oh, you shouldn't have. Thank you very much..." My mom budged in, taking the brownies and not knowing what to say next.

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