Chapter 14

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Peetas POV.

I wake up in the morning light that is coming through the the windows. I reach over hoping to find Katniss there sleeping next to me, but She wasn't. I sigh and sleepily get up because Rye kept waking up last night. I walk into Rye's room and see he's already awake. I change his diaper and get him some baby formula.

As I'm burping him I walk over to the window and stare out it worrying about Katniss.

Katniss's POV

I wake up in the same room I was in before and the right side of my face and eye is throbbing in pain. I still faintly taste blood in my mouth and I can feel one side of my lip is bloated. I try to get up, but my joints and muscles are sore and stiff. I struggle to go to the light and reach a sore arm to the switch.

Once the dim light flickers on I get startled by the small pool of blood on the floor that awaits me where I was laying. I can clearly see where she punched me seeing the bloody marks on my arms. I don't even want to see what she did to my face. I gingerly touch my face all over until a reach a tender spot by my temple and wince in pain. I take my hand away and my it's covered in blood. I stand up and immediately get light headed and have to use the wall for support the longer I stand the harder my head pounds. I'm sure I have another concussion. I collapse to the floor and the last thought that I have is Peeta and the kids.


I wake up again in the same room. I have no idea how long I have been in there. I'm hungry and in pain. I don't dare stand or sit up I don't want to pass out again. I just lay there on the cold stone awaiting my death. I jolt awake and something makes me want to escape and fight my way out. It might have been the kids or Peeta or both. I get up and immediately my head starts pounding. I push through it and head towards the door I lean up against the door and try the knob. In my disbelief it turns. I shake my head thinking that was my imagination, but it wasn't. I crack open the door and step out quietly. I spot a door across the room I walk across the room as fast as I can open the other door. I stick my head out the door and see there are peacekeepers guarding outside the room. And I know I'm definitely in the capital. I walk out prepared to fight with my life. I'm not going to go down without a fight to get home.

I walk out into the open and immediately they charge me. I grab one of their arms and twist it the wrong way and pull him swiftly towards me and punch him in the nose as he falls to the ground blood starts flowing out of his nose. I turn around ready to battle the next peacekeeper, but he has a syringe ready and sticks it in my arm before I can fight him. I try to fight through the medicine but it takes over my body and I slowly collapse to the floor.


The next time I wake up I'm blinded by bright lights above me. Once my eyes adjust I'm in a white room on a hospital bed with Ivs in my arm. My left arm has medicine going into my blood stream and blood going into my other arm. My head is still pounding and sore near my temple. I try to get up but right when I start to get up a nurse comes in.

"Mrs. Everdeen you have to lay back down." She tells me helping me back down.

"Don't touch me!" I scream. Backing up a little. I quickly remove the blood and medicine going into my arms when they drop to the ground a steady,but light, steam of blood and medicine go on to the floor. By then three other doctors come in there's so much chaos I don't notice a syringe going into my arm and I black out.

I wake up again with the ivs and start to struggle again, but I'm tied down to the bed. The nurses come in right away when they hear me. "Mrs. Everdeen you can't struggle." They say calmly.

"Why?!" I say in a pleading demanding voice.

"We have a visitor for you. We'll take the restraints away if you behave." They bribe.

"Who is it." I ask harshly.

"Your mother." They simply say as they remove the restrains and leave to go get her.

I don't answer I'm too speechless to respond. Why did she come to see me? Why now? I don't know why she wants to see me. She always runs sets from her problems. When my father died she left me and Prim to fend for ourselves. Once Prim died she ran away to district four. That's something I won't forget. Questions keep running through my head until she comes in.

"Katniss?" She says as she walks to the side of my bed and sits down.

I just stare at her not wanting to answer. Because I know if I do I'll breakdown

"How are you feeling?" She asks. I shrug. In reality I'm hurting, but I don't want to show that I'm weak. I never have.

"Why am I here?" I demand which is the only way to hide my fear.

"Well you got a serious injury on your head." She starts. "You lost too much blood so they had to give you more blood that's why your head was pounding and why you passed out."

I nod. Tears are threatening to spill. If I say anything my voice will crack.

"Katniss. I'm sorry about moving away to district four after Prim died." She says looking down.

"Help me." I say tears starting to spill.

"Oh Katniss" my mom says getting closer to me and wraps her arms around me. I cry on her shoulder for what seems like hours. My mom rubs my back in soothing circles.

"Why does he still want to punish me?" I say in between sobs. I'm afraid Snow's granddaughter will go after my family. That's what my fear was when Peeta and I started a family. Now it's coming true.

"I d-don't want to b-be here. I don't want them to hijack me!" I don't want to do what Peeta did to me when he couldn't keep the flashbacks under control. I couldn't live with myself.

"They won't." Mom says to make an effort to comfort me. How does she know?

"Mrs. Everdeen times up." The nurse says and starts to lead her out.

"Mom no! You can't go! Please." I plead tears starting to form. I reach out as far as I can, but can't grab her hand. I start to cry as I watch my mom, helplessly, leave the room.

Thanks so much for reading I hope you enjoyed the update! I just started school so I won't be able to update often. Thank you so much for over 1k reads I really appreciate it! •

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