Chapter 13

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I wake up still hazy in a corner of a dim room. I sit up and feel cold stone beneath me. I'm still in my hunting jacket and boots like I was earlier. I Feel around for my bow and arrows but can't find them anywhere. I continue to feel around the small room and come across a door handle. I try to turn it but it's locked. I try to break it down, but it's metal. I hear someone come in from out around the small room I'm in. I immediately stop and I go silent. The person is coming closer and closer and I back into the corner I woke up in and stand there ready to fight. 

The figure walks into the room and lights turn on. She has long light brown hair. She's wearing combat boots black leather jacket and dark blue jeans.

Without warning I spring at her pining her to the floor. I start punching and scratching at her face until I feel a needle go into my arm an I black out again.

The next time I wake up I'm in a chair with my hands tied together behind. I struggle to get free.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A girl says walking out from the shadows in the room with gloves on that have hard metal nubs on them. It's the same girl who I punched and scratched. When I get a good look at her the color drains from my face even through the wounds I gave her on her face there was no mistaking that it was President Snow's granddaughter. I can recognize those snake like eyes anywhere.

"Where am I?" I demand as I stop struggling.

"A place where nobody can find you."

"Let me go!" I scream struggling to get free.  I'm pulling on the rope that's tying my hands and feet to the chair so hard that I feel I'm giving myself rope burn on my wrists. I'm so preoccupied on getting myself free I all of a sudden feel hard metal against my mouth and jaw and the taste of blood.

~Peeta's POV~

I wonder where Katniss is? She's been gone for hours she should be home by now. I look out the window and I feel a small tug on my pants. I turn around and see Cinna is standing there. 

"Mommy?" He asks in his small little voice.

"I don't know where mommy is." I say frowning picking him up. Cinna rests his head on my shoulder and goes to sleep. Once I put Cinna to bed I check on Willow. I stick my head in the doorway to make sure she's okay. Right before I leave Willow asks were Katniss is.

"I don't know. I'm so sorry, Willow." I go over to her bed and kiss her check and leave to mine and Katniss's bedroom.

I go straight over to Rye's crib to check on him. He's fast asleep for now.

As I'm going to sleep the bed feels empty without Katniss. I miss holding her in my arms. I go to sleep with my arm out hoping see will return during the night and I'll feel her warm body sleeping next to me.

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