Chapter 2

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Before I leave I put on my hunting boots and my father's hunting jacket and braid back my hair in its usual braid. I pack some food because I know I'm going to be hungry by the time I get there.

I open the door and a cool breeze hits my face. I start walking towards my old house from the Victors Village. I want to head to the lake where I can be alone so no one can bother me.

I arrive at the fence and listen if there's a low hum. There of course there's not there usually never is. I slide under the space under the fence and make my way to the lake.

As I'm waking to the lake I'm wondering what Willow and Cinna are doing and how Peeta is.

The walk is long but I like it because I love being out in the fresh air in the woods. My place of peace.

It's noon by the time I reach the lake. So I take out the food I brought with me and sit at the edge.

As soon as I sit memories of Gale start flooding back to me. I remember how we used to hunt together and then go to the hob and trade. When the Capital firebombed District twelve and kidnaped Peeta he was there for me. He risked his life to free Peeta in the Tribute Center. But the worst memory of all is that he killed my sister, the only person I was sure I loved and cared about was gone.

I have to shake my head to get the thought out if my mind so I don't start to cry again. I can still remember when he got whipped in the square over the wild turkey and how he got my sister and mother out of twelve in time.

This is when I have to get up and leave the woods before my memories overcome me.

I get back into town and pick up a few things at the store for dinner.

I'm not even in the door and Peeta races up to me.

"Where's Willow!" He says worriedly.

"I don't know, I thought she stayed here with you." I start to get a chill up my back. My worst fear is coming true.

"Where's Cinna." I start to worry about him as well.

"He's taking a nap." Peeta says reassuring me.

"Okay. Good." I say with a little relief. "I have to go find her." I say with tears in my eyes. She's only 11 years old.

I run into the house and drop off what I bought and put it away. Shortly after I start to go back out and Peeta stops me.

"I want to go with you. To find our daughter."

I really want him to go with me to help me. But he can't. He has to watch Cinna and we don't have a babysitter.

"I really want you to come and help look with me but we don't have a babysitter for Cinna." I say with a frown.

"Are you sure?" Peeta questions with worry on his face.

I nod.

The first place I look is the hob. And ask around if they have seen her around. Everybody I ask the answer is always a no.

I was looking all day the last place I stop is Gale's house to ask Hazel if she had seen Willow.

I'm approaching the house and I'm dreading knocking on the door because I never had talked to them since I came back to twelve.

I knock on the door. Hazel answers the door. At the sight of my face she brightens up and she smiles and invites me inside for some tea.

"What brings you here?" Hazel asks delightfully. "How have you been."

"I'm good thanks. How about you" I say with a smile on my face.

"I'm good. I miss Gale." she answers. So what brings you here."

"Oh." My smile disappears from my face.

"What's wrong." Hazel asks.

"I'm looking for Willow, my daughter. She's gone missing. Have you seen her?"

"I'm so sorry for you." Hazel says sympathetically. "I haven't but I'll keep an eye out for her. I'll let you know if I hear anything. You haven't seen or heard about her anywhere? It's getting late."

"Know it is getting late. And no I haven't heard anything. Well I have to get going to make dinner. Thank you for the tea."

"Your very welcome."

I head back. Once I see the house in view I see Peeta is waiting for me. His face drops in to a sad look when he doesn't see Willow next to me.

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