Chapter 3- The Founder's Ball

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I stand in front of my mirror admiring my dress as my servants put it on me. I'm getting ready for the Founder's Ball tonight. I'm still not going with Damon though. The only reason I'm going at all is because my parents insist because we're a founding family.

My servants finish clothing me and I thank them each individually. I then make my way down the stairs to meet my date. My parents arranged everything. I'm to be escorted by John Gilbert's son, Benjamin Gilbert. Yet another founding family.

Benjamin leads me to a horse drawn carriage which takes us to the ball. He then leads me inside where we dance. It was boring as usual and what made it worse was seeing Katherine all over Stefan. It was sickening to watch.

Finally, Benjamin made up some gentlemanly excuse to leave me to go flirt with the group of single girls in the corner. Let's just say, this isn't the first time this has happened.

I'm about to just ditch the ball when someone taps my shoulder. I turn to see Damon smirking at me. "Will you dance with me?" he asks.

"No," I say coldly and his smirk vanishes.

"Bree, I'm sorry. I messed up again. It's what I do," he apologizes, but I won't budge. He doesn't deserve to be forgiven. "Fine, at least dance with me once."

"Deal," I agree and take his hand.

When we touch it brings back all the good times we had together before he left me. I wish we could go back to the way we were, but we never can. No one can go back in time. No matter how much I want to, I can't go back in time and fix me and Damon. The people we were are gone forever.

Damon swirls me around and dips me. His lips are so close to mine I can feel his hot breath on my face. I want to fill the gap between us, but I resist that urge. I'm stronger than that.

When he sees I'm not going to make a move he leans in closer and presses his lips against mine. Be strong, Aubrey. Be strong. I try to not kiss him back, but the urge is too much to handle any longer. I mold my lips with his perfectly savoring the moment.

And then the moment ends. He pulls away, the song ends, and he walks away from me. I guess we only did agree to one dance.

After getting over being stunned, I walk out of the Lockwood house. I plan on leaving the ball without Benjamin and taking his horse carriage back to my place. That's when I see where Damon ran off to.

He and Katherine are all over each other behind the house. It's disgusting. They are barely clothed and it makes me sick.

Both of them are sick. Damon just kissed me earlier when we danced and here he is shacking up with Katherine. Then there's her. Leading on both brothers.

In that moment, my love for Damon vanished momentarily and my magic took over. I lifted my hands and Damon and Katherine were lifted as well.

Damon stares at me with guilt and shame in his eyes. Katherine's eyes are another story. They are crimson red and have dark purple veins creeping down from under them.

I quickly drop the two and within seconds Katherine's up in my face. "Think you were the only one with a secret, little girl?" she snarls, showing her fangs.

She then backs away and I fall to my knees looking over to where Damon lays. Why is my life so screwed up?

A.N. Update, update, update!!! You heard me two updates posted late at night. I love writing at night. For some reason, I feel so much more awake during the late hours of the night and early hours of the morning. Anyway none of this really matters. Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

RIPPED AWAY~ damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now