Chapter Sixteen- Troubled Seas

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The free ponies had halted in front of a massive expanse of water. The Red Sea was right in the way of the travellers. Luna tried to think of a way to get past the Sea. "Hmmm. Too deep to walk, too long to swim. Maybe we could go around....?" As Luna stood there, a sudden cry was heard by everypony: "Soldiers! Cadence is coming!" Luna spun around. On the horizon stretched an unbroken line of ponies and chariots. All were clad in metal, and none looked friendly. The ponies began to panic. Even Celestia looked to Luna in fear. Luna took a deep breath. Closing her eyes, she thought about what to do. The words that came to mind were those of The Voice in the cave; "With this staff you will do my wonders." Could that be the answer? Luna prayed a quick prayer, asking for guidance and deliverance. Then her eyes flew open as a strong wind blew past her. She saw a miracle: a great cloud, so tall the top could not be seen, was separating the ponies from Cadence and her army. A slow grin spread across her face. But this only solves one problem, and God was whispering her next step. Luna saw a rocky overhang above the sea's surface and began to climb. She reached the top and smiled. What a great plan God had for them. She raised her staff, then brought it down on the sea. Instead of a plop like the others expected, a whoosh was heard, louder than thunder, as God did the unthinkable: he separated the water. The troubled seas had been tuned into two massive walls of water, with a path of dry land between them. The ponies stood in awe as Luna turned to them: "What are you waiting for? Let's go!" Smiles spread across several faces, and the ponies began to cross. Luna was helping an old stallion up the bank on the other side when she happened to look towards the pillar of cloud. And then it moved. It came across the parted sea to where the ponies were. Luna was glad of this...until she realized...

Cadence had no barrier now.

She and her army wasted no time in flooding from their place toward the sea. The last of Luna's ponies had just reached her as Cadence neared the middle of the sea. Luna could do nothing but wait for her. But what was this? The army was stuck....stuck in the mud that had been dry ground only moments ago. And then it happened.

The walls of water came crashing down...on the heads of Cadence and her army.

All was silent for a moment. Then pieces of a chariot came floating to the surface of the sea. Luna turner away. She had God to follow and ponies to lead. Celestia and others began to dance. 

They were free at last.

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