Chapter Two- Princess Luna

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----Twenty Years Later-----
"Chariot racing in the construction zone again!?!?! Girls, I know you can do better!" The two young mares bowed their heads. "..And you interrupted Aloe and Vera's ceremonies!" Aloe and Vera were the priestesses of the many gods and goddesses Equestrian had. "You, Luna, I could understand. But Cadance, you're the heir! One weak link in the chain of royalty could break it!" Luna could see that Cadance was hurt more than she let on. The mares both apologized, and went quickly from the King's presence. Luna found Cadance on a big statue later that day. Cadance's voice was rough. "The weak link, he called me. He practically accused me of bringing down the dynasty!" Luna did not reply. She was busy. Cadance got down and continued. "How is it every time you mess up, I get blamed?" Splash. A water filled balloon dropped down....onto Aloe and Vera. Cadance looked over at Luna. She had ducked. Which meant that Aloe and Vera thought.. "Cadance! Cadance, the King will hear about this!" Cadance turned to yell at Luna. But Luna was holding a bowl if water and looking up innocently. "Might as well.." Cadance laughed. What trouble they were going to be in. She dumped the bowl. Luna smiled and put her foreleg around Cadance's shoulder. "You know Cadance, you care too much!" Cadance raised an eyebrow. "And you don't care enough!" Luna got a look of mock surprise on her face. "Oh really? I suppose you care more than I that we're...late for the banquet, perhaps?"

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