Ch. 13, pt. 1: The Marooned

Start from the beginning

I tell this to the others and they don't argue with me. "Callen's crazy, ain't he?"

Tegan nods. "I ain't seen a man talk like that never. It's like he was... like he was-," she struggles to finish her thoughts.

I think back to Orin. "Like he was playin' with his food?" I suggest and Tegan nods.

"Exactly like that. He's mad is what he is."

"So, you really think he wants us to find 'em?" asks Gina.

"I think he wants Ro to suffer as much as possible, and Callen, he may not be right in his head, but that head still works real cunnin'-like. He had me pegged fer Ro's sweetheart the moment he laid eyes on me."

"Why didn't he just kill you, then?" Vern wonders.

"Did you miss his fancy monologue where he explained the difference 'tween shootin' folks in the head versus the gut? Ain't no fun in killin' me outright. He wants to drag this on, torture us, and Ro most of all."

"Fer the record," says Tegan, "That's why I was aimin' to keep you from followin' 'em. It's what Callen wants."

"Don't matter." I shift the weight of my pack to my right shoulder. "What he wants, what he don't want. Only thing I'm interested in is that he gits what he deserves."

We push ourselves on through the night, guided by the moon and Callen's intentional carelessness. Tegan thought we should wait till morning to head out, but I know now she was only tryin' to prolong our overtakin' 'em, hopin' that the storm would come along in the interim and after that, we'd have to abandon the mission all together. I keep us speedin' along, though. My plan relies on us findin' Callen's group 'fore the storm hits. We ain't more than an hour or two behind 'em, and I have a feelin', we'll catch up to 'em whenever Callen wills it.


Sure, 'nuff, Callen's will exerts itself on us just after dawn. We come up over a hill and there they are, just across the expanse, fixin' up their tents with extra layers of canvas so they cain ride out the storm at least partly protected. They got coverage to the east in the form of a long bolder restin' on the ground like a god dropped it there. I expect they feel it's passable protection seein' as though we're in the semi-arid zone, but I know it's woefully inadequate fer the size of the storm currently brewin'.

I set my eyes upon the east, to the risin' sun layin' itself across the desert. The dust's still a slumber, enjoyin' its last moments of rest 'fore the sun's glow awakens it, till it feels the heartbeats of the hopeful and speeds them to victory.

We're close enough fer Callen's lot to spot us if they was to look hard enough. That means it's time to put the next phase of our plan into action. I hand Tegan a piece of Nessie's halter.

"I don't like this, May." Tegan bites her lip. "Yer a brave girl, but still. I cain't see how this is gonna work."

"Just trust me and play yer part, Tegan. Go on now."

She frowns at me, but then she gits to it, bindin' my wrists in front of me. "Tighter," I tell her, "We gotta make this believable."

"Whatever you say."

That done, Tegan hands the rope to Vern, who looks at me real doubtful. "It's okay. Go on Vern."

Vern yanks my rope and off we go, across the tableland and into Callen's trap.

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