"How do you know the Argents, anyway? You and Allison seem close." Isaac hopped into the passenger's seat as El took the driver's.

        "I met her in France," she said. Driving away in her uncle's car, she seemed like she didn't want to elaborate. "I was there before I came here to help Derek."

        "You were?"

       "I was with a coven in Paris for about a year. A coven is like a pack, but for people like me. We can channel each other for power, and we're like a family." Elora drove with an off sense to her. "The Argents, they, well they started as a problem, but they recognized me. Chris did, at least. We came on neutral terms, since I was never on bad ones with him."

        "But you two seem closer than just a cease fire," Isaac pointed out.

        Elora didn't quite respond, getting closer to the apartment complex. "That's another story, now's not really the best time to get into it." Parking the stolen vehicle, they went into the building.

       "Something serious happened, didn't it?" Isaac questioned as they closed in the elevator.

        "Focus on the human sacrifices," she told him. "Trust me, what happened in Paris isn't important."

        Isaac followed El out of the elevator, the two stopping at the Argent's door. Just as he was about to knock, she picked the lock mentally and went into the apartment.

        "He's just doing what he thinks is right," Chris said within the office.

       "You look like you could use some help." Elora announced as she came to the doorway with a smile.

        Isaac stood next to her, "I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow, but, well, I'm getting pretty good with these." With a swift unfurling, claws sprang from his fingertips.

        "Elora, are you not teaching today?" Stiles asked after a moment with a curious look.

       "I've got it covered," she replied.

       "Covered as in..."

       "As in I have a spell I can cast over the building so everyone thinks Ms. Winchester looks different than I do, and that she's been missing since friday."

       "Good, you should go with Stiles to do that," Chris said almost pushily.

        Elora lightly nodded, leaving with the Stilinski boy after squeezing Isaac's hand in reassurance.

        "I was gonna run to my house to change and then talk to Lydia," Stiles told her as they went down in the elevator. "You can come if you want or I can just drop you off."

         "Could you drop me off? My car is stil there. I'll have to cloak it if I can't get it to start." Elora walked out to the Jeep, the sun rising as 6 a.m. rolled around.

        "This spell, will it make everyone forget? Like, even Isaac, me, Lydia..."

        "No," El assured as she climbed into the passenger's seat. "Supernatural affiliated won't forget it."

        As Stiles started Roscoe, he nodded next to them. "Is that Peter's car?"

        "Yeah, I stole it." Elora waved a hand in its direction, the vehicle vanishing. "Well, now I technically just borrowed it."

       Stiles smiled, relating to Elora more than before. He pulled out of the parking space and headed towards the high school.

      "Are you tired?" she asked as they drove through town. "I'm guessing you haven't slept in a while."

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