[4] Proposal.

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Amna's POV

Next day

"Hey Saf" I wave at my best friend who's seated under a tree doing something. As soon as she sees me her eyes lit up and she screams in my direction.

"Amnaaaa, how are you it's been so long since I last saw you sister" she says while enveloping me into a bone crushing hug.

"Stop being so dramatic Saf, we just met last Friday remember?" Yeah my crazy friend forgets that we are still in college.

"Yeah I know but still.." she says, frowning.

"Ok, whatever I got to tell you something!" i grin at her and she turns back to her things.

"What?" She replies while packing her things as it was time for the class

"Umm, Sara aunty with her family had come yester-" she cut me off in the middle, this girl I tell you, urgh!

"WHAT??? Sara aunty, you mean the Sara aunty??" she says with wide eyes.

"Yes , Saf now will you listen?"

"Oh, yeah I'm sorry" she says with a slight hint of curiousness in her tone.

"So yeah she had come yesterday and was talking to my parents for quite a long time and.."

"And?"She asked curiously

"And Sara aunty asked for Aamir Bhai's hand in marriage to Afifa aapi" i say with all excitement in my tone.

"Masha Allah, are you serious?"she squeals with the same amount of excitement.

"Yes, Saf I'm so excited and they said that they will be coming tomorrow and there is going to be a small function for the occasion, as Aamir Bhai will also be returning back tomorrow" I said

"Wow, I'm so happy Amy. I wish the same happened to you too" she says the last part even above a whisper and I couldn't quite make out what she was trying to tell.

"You said something, Saf?"

"Uh, umm no nothing at all Amna" she quickly picks up her bag.

"Let's go, class starts in about 2 minutes now" and we both head to 6 hours of utter torture. But I don't really whine about it because this is my last year in university and it's quite upsetting that I will no longer be a part of this college and all, but still I don't know what Allah SWT has for me in future so, yeah it's quite a happy as well as scary thing to think about.

While I was still busy in my thoughts the teacher had already called out my name for attendence and I was in my dream world.

"Ma'am I'm sorry I'm present" I say with full embarrassment and she gives me a death glare and I just mumble a soft sorry and sit back.

I see Safaa from the corner of my eye and she is laughing like a mad seal.
I'll see her after college.

Finally after what felt like ages We finish our classes and head home.

"Assalamualikum mum, I'm home and Safaa is also with me" I shout as soon as I enter my house.

"Assalamualikum aunty" Saf greets mum.

"Walaikumasalam, Beta it's been quite a long time since I met you" my mum says from the kitchen.

"Yes, aunty. And congratulations on Aamir Bhai's marriage proposal" Safaa says from the stairs.

"jazakallah Safaa" mum replied back to her and I take her up to my room and shut the door.

"Saf, please tell me that you'll shut up the whole time I speak to you know?" I plead to her in the most adorable puppy face I could pull off.

"Ooooook " she said dragging the word, plopping down on the bed and the tears in my eyes were unstoppable now.

"Alright listen carefully Saf, you know how me and Urooj were best of friends and how we grew up together and then how I suddenly grew up so much that I had to maintain my distance from him and remember I told you that I have these weird feelings towards him and I just couldn't control them " I said trying to explain her, tears streaming slowly on my face.

"Yeah, but why are you telling me all of thi-"she asked cutting me through the sentence.

"Shush, yeah where was I?  Yeah and just when I entered college all of my feelings for him became more strong and I was so sad when I came to know that he was leaving for London for his further studies? Ya Allah saf, I don't know I just don't know but you might be thinking 'what's wrong with this girl and why is she blabbering all of her sad love story in front of me and what not" I sigh and bury my face in my hands.

To be honest I, myself didn't know why I was telling her all of this.

"Oh my, I would never think like that Amy, your my best friend and I know what you've gone through" she says looking at me, with wide eyes. 

"All this time I knew that this was wrong but still, still I fell for him" with muffled voice because of my hand on my face I confess all of this to my best friend.

"Amna, tell me why are you telling me all of this again and it's just going to cause you more pain you know"I look up to see her and she has this very sympathetic look on her face as she holds her wreck of a friend.

I make up my dumb mind, looking at her. No, I can't do this. I don't want sympathy.

"As much as I convince myself that it's just again an infatuation it's still getting stronger, but just for the sake of my stupid heart I cannot make my creator unhappy, Saf"I wipe my eyes and adjust my hijab. "I'm going to control my feelings yet again and I'm going to wait for what Allah SWT has planned for my future" I see Safaa smiling now as she pulls me into one of her teddy bear hugs and all of a sudden everything becomes alright.

"Are you fine now, sister?" she asks.

"Yep, thank you for listening."I say while wiping my face.

"I'm always here you know" she gives me a wink.

And at that very moment I was so happy and thankful to Allah SWT to have blessed me with such a good friend.

And I think That maybe he has also given me the strength to have patience in this situation.

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