Soldier Seduction

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Everyone had left the barracks at 0600, so it was just me. Knowing that no one would be back until 0900, I was just in my underwear and flipping through one of my -um- magazines. About halfway through, the door swung open and our Sergeant walked in. I hid the magazine under my pillow before standing to salute him. "At ease. Why weren't you out with the rest of your sector?" "N-nurse said I should rest, S-sir." He arched an eyebrow. "Well, you aren't resting." As he glanced at my bed, a slight smirk started to form. "What's that?" "J-just a magazine, Sir." "Hand it over." "Sir, I-!" "Hand. It. Over." Reluctantly, I put it in his extended hand. He unfolded it and the smirk on his face only seemed to get bigger. "Sexy seamen, naughty navy and manly marines? Explain, soldier." Nervously, I shifted from one foot to another. "I-it's j-just a magazine, Sir." "Oh really? I think you're going feminine on me, soldier." "N-no, Sir!" "Yes, you are. A man fights. A woman hides away and reads 'magazines'. That sound about right ,soldier?" "Y-yes, Sir." I glanced down at my feet. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with that." "Really?" "Of course not! But, if you wanna act like a woman, I'll have to treat you like a woman." "W-what do you mean, Sir?" "Well, you'll be moved out of here. These recruits couldn't save themselves much less you." "Sir?" "And I suppose I'll have to speak with your parents about courting you. But for now, I want you cleaned properly. That means inside as well. And back on this bed until I get back." Just as he started walking off, I followed. "B-but Sir, when are you coming back?" "When I get back."
After he walked out, I scrambled to clean up my cot. The magazine was set back under my mattress and then I showered. It felt a little weird cleaning myself out but if rather do it myself than deal with the possible punishment from the Sergeant. Later, I was just folding my blanket and wasting time. Was he really gonna try and court me? How would that even work? Would my parents like him? "Any particular reason you aren't doing what I told you?" I jumped a bit and stopped folding. "Sorry, S-sir. I w-was know......" He chuckled and walked behind me. Is he gonna hit me? What is he doing? Sergeant's arms circled my waist and he mumbled next to my ear, "Such a perfect little housewife." My face heated up. "Oh, you like that idea? I want to hear you say it." "I-I don't know what you-" "Say it." "I..I'm your housewife." When he kissed my cheek, I flushed and hid my face in the blanket. "Good girl. Now,  up on the bed. I wanna see how well you followed my instructions." "But what about-!" Yelping, I gripped his shoulders as he lifted my up onto my cot. "I made sure that they wouldn't come back until I fully laid my claim to you, princess." Hesitantly, I spread my legs for him. "Spread your cheeks for me." Blushing, I reached back and held myself open for his investigation. Sergeant Mitchell whistled. "Princess, your c_nt is is so pretty!" I glanced back at him in surprise. "Really?" "Mhm. It's so red! Almost as red as your face." Before I could reply, my hands were pulled off my butt and I was tugged back until I was flat on my stomach.  "S-sir, what are you doing?!" He just stroked my thigh. "Just relax and feel, Princess." Biting my lip, I tried to even my breathing.  Oh my gosh!  What's he gonna do? "Hm. I definitely like this look on you, Princess. Horny and waiting.  Maybe I should just leave you like this?" "NO! P-please, sir.  You can't!" "Why can't I?" As his hand trailed down my spine, words tumbled from my lips without consolation my brain. "You'd be a bad husband. A good husband provides and protects his wife. If you left me, you wouldn't be providing for me." His hand faltered and then I was pulled into a slow yet passionate kiss. "I'm glad you know that. Now, c'mere. I want to provide for my sexy little housewife."

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