Independence Day

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This whole music video takes place through pictures on a wall. Most of them are reference to some of my past video ideas, plus the ones that have actually been released. We start out with a framed picture of the band performing onstage, while the 'oo's play with the music. When it comes time for the first verse, we move to a framed picture of the boys sitting around a campfire (like in End Up Here). Only Luke unfreezes, singing about "telling me the same old story". He sings around the campfire until "you know you know", then we move to a picture of them on a roller coaster (Try Hard) but it's an updated picture, so they all look older. "It's the end of the road" they're in a picture of them driving in a van (Long Way Home). As it reaches the refrain, we return to the picture of them performing from the beginning. Everyone unfreezes as they perform the refrain.

"Suddenly my picture's looking perfect" depicts Calum and a girl in a photo, but he carefully pushes her out with "since you're not in the frame". At the next line, the boys are in the waiting room of a hospital (The Only Reason) and only Calum is moving. "Before it's too late in making my escape" shows the inside of a car (like in Amnesia) but Calum shakes his head and opens the door, rolling out. He's then shown running away from the frozen car, which looks like it's moving at a fast speed even though it isn't moving. The refrain is the same as before, with the boys all performing in the picture frame.

The bridge starts up, going to a picture of the boys sitting in a principal's office (Good Girls) and Michael is singing. "I know you fought for all we had" shows the boys running through the halls, though only Michael is actually moving.

The guitar solo bit is back at the main picture of the boys performing, focusing on Michael/Luke's hands as they play the solo.

When the refrain returns, the picture changes with every power chord, shifting through each one mentioned. There's an extra one of Ashton dressed as Smash added in, since he didn't get his own solo bit. When the chords return to normal, the images continue flashing between the different scenes.

As it returns to "Wouldn't it be nice" we continue with the concert picture, focusing on Calum and periodically switching between that and him in his solo photo that he pushed the girl out of. The song ends as we come back to the concert, the boys freezing in the poses they were in originally, the camera zooming out to reveal the wall of photos.


Sorry I haven't posted an idea in a while! I've been kind of busy with camp (which is over) and my birthday (which is over) and hype over the She's Kinda Hot video (which comes out tomorrow and I'm going to make a comparative thing in this about it). Hopefully this will make up for it :)

I've also just felt a little uninspired, but there isn't much to be done about that, obviously.

So, what do you guys think of this one?

Not my best idea I don't think, but still alright.


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