If You Don't Know

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Kind of a dark concept, not too sure where this came from. Just a forewarning.

The video starts out dark. After a moment, something lifts off the camera, like a bag being ripped from someone's head. The music starts, showing each of the boys individually having their heads uncovered, each of them tied to a chair in their own individual room. They're all looking around in confusion, the camera cutting between each boy individually.

It's time for Luke to sing, and it's obvious that he's very stressed and worried about his current situation. At "tonight we're fading fast" a girl appears, a gun in one hand. His eyes become wide as he sees her. He's trying to "say the things that he wants to say", but she's obviously having none of it, shaking her head and glaring at him angrily. When he comes to "go ahead, rip my heart out" he seems to give up, bowing his head, but as she holds up her gun, he manages to break free and run out of the room, knocking her to the ground in the process.

The refrain moves on to Michael, undergoing to same situation in an attempt to convince the girl not to kill him. He asks her to "let him go" but she's still refusing, pointing the gun at him as well. He swallows, and the scene cuts away just as its time for Calum to sing.

He's greeted by the same girl, quickly trying to defend himself with "let's forget the past". She gets sick of his excuses very quickly, so he begins the faster part, struggling in his chair. As the refrain comes, he, too, breaks free, pushing past her the same way Luke did, looking back in terror as she turns around angrily, pointing the gun at him.

Soon we're with Ashton, who isn't struggling the way the others were. He speaks/sings calmly, attempting to convince this girl that he deserves freedom. Surprisingly, she seems to become a bit convinced, but the bridge comes before we can discover the result.

Luke is running down a long, narrow hallway, occasionally looking behind him nervously, singing the "go ahead rip my heart out" part. When it's time for Calum to harmonize with him, Calum rounds a corner, running behind Luke in an attempt to catch up. The refrain comes again, and now all the boys are together, running through the halls in terror, the girl not far behind, the gun in her hands and pointed at them. They periodically duck, still singing, and by the time the song is over, they've reached daylight. The music fades out, being cut off by a gunshot and a black screen.


This actually wasn't next on my list of videos to do (which is getting kind lengthy, might temporarily close this book off from suggestions), but I asked my friend which one she wanted a and she said this one soooo...here.

What do you guys think? Kind of a weirdly dark feel, not sure where I got that, I guess the "let me go" part?

Sorry if you can't listen to this song with it because you're from the U.S./Canada/Mexico (I can because my parents got me the Don't Stop EP for Easter this year and I put it on my iPod), but I'm sure you'll find a way/already have.


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