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Okay, so this video starts out with a sort of old-timey film opening. Black and white kind of filter, countdown from 5 to 1 with the grainy film reel over it. We hear Michael's voice at the beginning, like in the song, before the countdown ends. When it does, we see Calum sitting on a picnic table in a park, the same sort of filter thing on him but nothing else. People are walking by, but no one is looking at him.

He starts singing, and we get flashes of someone writing in the old filter, typing on a typewriter. We catch glimpses of what's being written, but nothing easy to distinguish. Calum stays sitting on the table, looking directly at the people walking past him as he sings "no one sees me". He gets up when he starts singing "fade away", walking down the path through the people, still not gaining their attention. In the background, we can see other people with the same sort of filter on them, but the camera never focuses on them.

We've been getting a profile view of Calum up to the prechorus ("I was already missing"), but now we get a straight-on, look right into the camera view. More people stuck with the individual filter come into the background, following him, but we don't get a close look at their faces. When he gets to the refrain, the camera pans out to show an army of colorless people led by Calum, but when he says "Invisible", the view cuts back to him.

During the second verse, we go back to the scene with the typewriter, discovering it's Ashton typing something up with Luke and Michael on either side. The whole scene is in black and white, and after a moment we get a close up on what was being typed. For a touch of humor, it reads "Lost Bassist, please call [fake number here] if found". Michael glues a picture of Calum to the bottom of the paper before he places it on a large stack of the same poster. They divide the posters between the three of them, then they exit the scene just as the second prechorus comes in.

With the second "I was already missing", we see flashes of Calum singing again, along with Luke as he tries to hand out posters to people, but we see that he's like Calum now, stuck in the black and white while trying to communicate with the normal people. The camera cuts between each of the four boys, with Ashton and Michael facing the same dilemma as Luke.

As the little instrumental bridge after the second chorus comes up, we see Ashton, Luke, and Michael getting frustrated by the situation, each of them throwing their posters on the ground and letting them scatter in the wind. They all walk in separate directions, but when the lyrics start up again, all four of the boys are singing against a colorful, campy sort of background, with each of them still in black and white. They're playing their instruments and set up like they would be on stage, but Calum and Luke have their spots switched around. Once they're done singing and the typewriter noise returns, the scene switched back to the area with the typewriter, now empty.

With the final sung lines, we go back to Calum sitting on the picnic table again, though this time he's in color and everything around him is in black and white. The video finishes with the image of him sitting there, alone.


Okay first off, sorry I haven't written anything in like 5 months. I came up with this idea randomly and decided to write it down, so here you go!

Don't try and give any other recommendations or ideas yet, though. This book is still closed for ideas, since I have so many I need to do still. It's been really stressful lately and this has been one of the last things on my mind.

Anyway, I really like this idea. Obviously it doesn't have too much detail to it, but I think that's the idea of the song: sort of simplistic and sad. What do you guys think?


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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Apr 12, 2016 ⏰

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