She's Kinda Hot

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So it starts out with Luke just sort of lying in bed (as the song says) and he starts singing as a girl comes into the room and is yelling at him. When it reaches the 'She's kinda hot though' part, he gets up and starts awkwardly flirting with her, but she rolls her eyes and just sort of walks out of the room. It picks up on Calum in a therapist's chair and the same girl from before is his therapist and he's just sort of looking her up and down and then she throws a bunch of prescription medicine bottles at him. When it comes to the little guitar riff, the image flickers to the boys playing on stage.

When it's time for Luke to sing again, it cuts to Michael throwing a bunch of books out a window (my friend left college coz it felt like a job) and it shows his room being a complete and total mess. (When you've got bigger plans that no one else understands) Michael starts playing with a guitar on his bed and glancing up at band posters on the wall, and there's a sort of cartoon-y, not real one with the SKH art on it, like he's imagining it being there.

When it gets to the refrain, all the boys are performing onstage in a dusty, empty lot. The image flickers between them looking normal and them wearing weird masks, like horse/zebra/unicorn masks. They keep rocking out onstage to no one, with cartoonish crowns and things sort of floating around them (the kings and the queens of the new broken scene).

When it gets to Ashton's part, he's standing on his front lawn, scrolling through his phone, when his neighbor (the same girl from Cal and Luke's parts before) comes out of her house, yelling at him (mouthing 'got bad brains' with the music). He just sort of laughs in response, glancing up as a cartoon thought bubble appears, holding two crowns (kings and the queens again).

The refrain is the same as before, but the scene flickers, showing an ever-growing crowd in the dusty lot. By the time the 'na na na's come along, the image stays at the crowd, with everyone clapping and singing along. As it ends, the scene returns to the empty lot, and the boys start packing up their instruments as the instrumentals finish.


This was also posted in I Hate This Band, and I know that there's going to be a music video for this, but what do you guys think? Would you like the video to be like this or not?

I'm honestly really proud of this one and it makes me slightly sad that they've already filmed it.


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