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Okay, so this video starts out with a phone vibrating on a coffee table. We don't know what's happening in the background, but after a few rings, there's a groan and we hear footsteps before a hand- Calum's hand- picks up the phone. There's some mumbled dialogue before the phone is dropped on the carpeted ground (because the sound of a shattering phone would be the death of us all) and we just see Calum's blurred silhouette run out the front door in a hurry. The music begins as we switch to Michael playing the guitar riff in a rehearsal room by himself. The other boys' instruments surround him, but they aren't there. Various pieces of broken technology- video game consoles, laptops, tablets, phones, etc- are scattered across the floor around him, but he seems oblivious to them as he plays.

When it's time for Luke to sing the first verse, we find him lying on a hammock outside, swinging idly as he sings. He plays with the netting with his fingers (life's a tangled web), smirking to himself as he notices Calum running along the street not too far away while he's about halfway through the verse. At "I admit I'm a bit of a victim", he gets up and starts walking down the sidewalk casually, smiling to himself the whole time. After a couple words, he starts playing air guitar, pretending to play his part, not the riff. Once his verse ends, we switch back to Calum, who looks overly-stressed as he jogs down the suburban streets anxiously, like he's late for something. In every house Calum passes, the occupants' eyes are glued to their televisions for various reasons. In one house, some kids are playing video games. In another, a couple is watching a RomCom. The list goes on. Calum runs a hand through his hair in frustration as he sings "we put the world away" for the first time, stopping at a stop sign. Once he's sure no one is coming, he continues on his way, passing more zombie-houses.

During the little instrumental bit between the first chorus and the second verse, we return to the practice room with Michael, zooming out to show that Ashton is now sitting at his drum kit, playing along happily.

We switch back to Luke for the second verse, and he's now walking slowly along the street of a crowded city. The sun is going down, so all of the city lights are coming on, shining blearily behind him. After a moment, Calum jogs up and passes him, not even realizing it's Luke. Luke just shakes his head and keeps singing, looking around at "tune out the static sound" as the city starts bursting even more into life. Unfortunately, everyone walking by is glued to their phones, not paying attention to anything that's happening around them.

The second refrain consists of more of Calum running through the city, with occasional flashes back to the rehearsal room and Luke. Once the bridge comes, Calum is out of the city again, turning down a street corner before running into a tall building and entering an elevator. The door closes as he finishes singing, and the music pauses for a moment as elevator music plays and he taps his foot impatiently, reaching into his pocket for his phone before realizing he doesn't have it. He groans as the door opens to reveal the other three boys staring at him. He looks almost guilty for a second before the music returns and they're all in the rehearsal room together, the various items of technology lighting up periodically, like they're receiving messages, but the boys ignore them as they play their instruments and sing happily together, enjoying their time.

The final shot is of Calum's phone lying on the carpet, vibrating once again. The caller ID reads "Mumma Hood".



High school has been busy and I haven't really had the extra creativity for writing music video ideas, and I still have like six more videos I have to write, but in the meantime, the album comes out in less than two weeks! If you want me to write an idea for one of the instant grant videos (not Hey Everybody! or SKH, obviously) then request it in the FIRST SECTION FIRST SECTION IF THIS BOOK :)

Sorry I haven't been on in a while, and I can't promise that I'll be updating on a weekly basis or anything, but I'm going to try my best not to let the requests pile up too much.


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