Chapter twenty five

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Drakes point of view
"Helena what are you doing up there get down now I'm worried ".
"I'm done drake I don't know what else to do I'm tired of all of this I can't stand my life without you, I'm ready to end everything". She said
"You know what Helena if you kill yourself and I will kill myself " I answered back.
"No Drake please don't say that please don't kill yourself! " she screamed
"Then what you want me to just live my life knowing that you're gone I can't do that please just get down here let's work this out " I said

Helena's point of view
After Drake said those things I had to choose to get down off the roof. I saw a big sigh of relief coming from him that actually made me feel a lot better. I climbed down and Drake wrapped me in his arms.
"Please don't ever ever do that again hel" he cried
"I promise I won't drake the next time something bad goes wrong we better act like a real couple and work this out "

And with that being said we both went inside he made some hot chocolate and I went to the bathroom to wash my face. I went into the bedroom to check my phone I had a couple of notifications from Instagram a couple from YouTube and I had one text message from a mysterious number. I opened it and it was a picture of a gun and drakes picture.
"Drakeeeeeeeeee" I yelled.

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