I reached into my pack for something to lie on when my hand brushed a hard, leathery surface. I pulled it out even though I knew what it was.

It seemed like High Trainer Globe had put the fake journal into my pack while I was distracted. There was a note on the front of it that said,

'Every girl needs her mother'.

This almost made me cry again. I quickly put it back into my pack and pulled out my sleeping bag, ready to end this awful day.


The next day, I was woken up by the smell of delicious food.

I opened my eyes and was surprised to see Caleb frying some eggs over a tiny portable stove.

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"Most of the night," he replied, passing me the eggs.

"Why?" I stuffed my face with the food but kept my gaze on him.

"I had to make sure you were okay," he replied. He packed up the stuff and shrugged on his backpack.

"Pack up quickly," he said, "We have to get moving."


We finally reached a small, cottage like house after hours of walking. We were all exhausted after the journey, physically and mentally. The walk was filled with tension and no one knew how to break it.

Caleb knocked on the door in some complicated pattern. In no more than three seconds, the door swung open and Caleb was engulfed in a massive bear hug from a huge black man.

"Hello, Uncle Dan," Caleb mumbled from the man's chest.

"Hey back, Caleb! How you been, boy? I haven't seen you in forever." Uncle Dan have him a few hearty slaps on the back.

"I've been better, Uncle." 

Uncle Dan released Caleb from his hold and stepped out of the house, looking around.

"Where's that hulk of adopted brother of mine? I hope he isn't planning one of those sneak attacks again," he said, bouncing and looking around wildly.

The moment he saw the look on Caleb's face, he stopped bouncing and his face became distraught.

"Oh, I see. Damn it, not Charles. Anyone but Charles," he said.

"I know, Uncle, but we have more pressing issues to deal with. This isn't a social visit," Caleb said obviously implying something with his words.

Uncle Dan became serious and ushered us into the house. After he had double bolted the door he turned back to us.

"So these are the Masters? Hi, you can call me Uncle Dan," he said gesturing at us.

Seeing the shocked look on our faces, he continued speaking.

"Charles called me yesterday around noon. He told me to expect the five of you. He didn't mention the other two," he said pointing at Des and Jaydel.

"These are some recruits that escaped the attack," Caleb answered.

"Attack!?" Uncle Dan said alarmed.

Caleb then explained everything that had happened that day. He told Uncle Dan about the infiltration of HQ and the fights. His voice stuttered when telling the death of his father. Then he wrapped up with finding Des and Jaydel.

"Now we're here," Caleb finished.

Uncle Dan started to speak but he was interrupted by the back door slamming shut.

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