"Sure." Ringo said as he dropped Audrey's hand and John, in turn, took a hold of it.

John led her a few feet away from Ringo and wrapped his arms around Audrey's waist as she put her hands on his shoulders.

"What's going on?" John asked.


"What about him?"

"He's here." Audrey replied.

"What?" John asked nervously.

"Calm down..."

"How am I supposed to calm down?"

"John if you don't calm down, he's going to notice something is going on.   Please...try to hold it together."

"That's easy for you to say...." John said upset. 

Audrey sighed.  "I'm sorry..." she said as she reached over and touched his face.  "I know this is hard...John, I didn't know he was going to be here...but the fact is that he's here and most likely watching us right now..."

"He's not the only one watching us." John said. "Ringo is watching us like a hawk...he's not going to be very happy with us after tonight." John said troubled.

"I know...but we can't risk Frank knowing the truth."

"Don't you think I know that, Audrey." John said a bit irritated.

Audrey knew she had put John in a very hard situation and she felt awful about it. 

Audrey moved her hand and set it back on John's shoulders.   She brought her eyes down and bit her bottom lip.  

"I'm sorry." John said a bit softer after a few seconds.  "I just don't want to hurt Ringo...he really does like you, Audrey."

"I don't want to hurt him either..." she said looking up at John. "I understand if you don't want to--" Audrey started, but got interrupted by John leaning in and kissing her.  The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it was long enough for Ringo and Susan to see it. 

Audrey stared at John.  Neither of them said anything for the next few seconds and it was Audrey who made the next move.  She moved her hands to the nape of his neck and drew John's head in so she could kiss him.  John tightened his grip around her waist and kissed her deeply.  They both pulled away as the song ended. 

"Oh shit." John murmured looking past her. 

Before Audrey knew it, she found both Ringo and Susan standing next to them. 

Ringo glared at John, his jaw clenched.  Audrey avoided looking at Susan, certain that she was looking at her the same way Ringo was looking at John.   Ringo took a deep breath and then turned to Audrey. 

"Can I talk to you?" he said trying to steady his voice.

Audrey nodded as she followed Ringo, leaving John to deal with Susan.  She glanced at the bar, where she had last seen Frank and he was still there, taking in the scene, a wry smile on his face.

Ringo led her to a corner of the restaurant, away from the crowd and from the band.

"Why did you lie to me?" he asked.

"I didn't lie to you..." Audrey replied.  "I told you I didn't see you more than just as a friend."

Ringo seemed frustrated.  He sighed deeply and ran his hand through his hair.

"I saw you kiss John!" he raised his voice and quickly composed himself.  He leaned towards her and spoke firmly. "You kissed John after telling me in the hotel that you weren't interested in anyone.  You lied straight to my face. You both did!" He said with hurt in his voice.

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